AOC Blames 100 Companies For Climate Change – But Half Are Government Owned – IOTW Report

AOC Blames 100 Companies For Climate Change – But Half Are Government Owned

Cortez. She’s a Nag.


by Matt Palumbo

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is taking a break from spreading economically illiterate content to spread misleading information about climate.

AOC recently voiced her support of comments from Elizabeth Warren putting the blame on corporations, not individuals, for rising CO2 emissions. When Warren was asked by CNN’s Chris Cuomo during a recent presidential town hall whether or not the government should be in the business of telling people what kind of light-bulbs they should purchase, she replied “This is exactly what the fossil fuel industry hopes we’re all talking about…They want to be able to stir up a lot of controversy around your light-bulbs, around your straws, and around your cheeseburgers.”

AOC responded with an attempt to bolster Warren’s argument. “She’s right,” she began. “We all want to, and can, do our part with climate change and environmental justice. But know that just 3 industries are responsible for 71% of carbon emissions. And if you’re concerned about money in politics, the fossil fuel industry is a key source of political corruption.”

Another popular variant of this claim(which is really just a rephrasing of it) is that the 100 largest corporations are responsible for 71% of carbon emissions, and they’re sourced from a 2017 Carbon Disclosure Project report. The Project is tracking emissions by company from 1988-2015.

There’s an obvious logical flaw in Warren and AOC putting the blame on corporations rather than consumers –  who do they think those polluting companies are producing goods for? Corporations are only selling items that there’s a demand for. If people stopped buying their products, they wouldn’t be polluting to make them. As one person observed, it’s as if Warren and AOC want gas for their cars – but want the local gas station to stop selling gas. read more

11 Comments on AOC Blames 100 Companies For Climate Change – But Half Are Government Owned

  1. “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it.
    Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

  2. they should take all the CO2 that they can gather and mix it with the radiated fukushima water that japan is going to dump in the Pacific. They could stand around it, as they mix it together, like the witches in Macbeth. Good photo op for them there. Why no protest from them about that- it is much more dangerous than a periodic raise of a naturally occurring gas, and imminently so. Acceptable ‘background’ levels of radiation were raised during hussein obama’s regime, shortly after fukushima. If cassio cortex would stop yapping about CO2, with all her hot air, part of her problem would be solved.

  3. The Dems have finally convinced this moron to change her messaging from blaming people to blaming faceless corporations. Although people are to blame, this doesn’t sell to the mindless liberals who want to castigate someone or something other than themselves.

    If you want to attack a supposed problem, you need to focus on demand instead of supply. For example, in the “war on drugs,” if people didn’t use drugs, supply would dry up. However, by focusing on supply and attacking drug dealers, the government has made the product more expensive and thus more lucrative without decreasing demand. We should have learned this lesson from prohibition.

    The shift to blaming corporations instead of individuals as the cause for this supposed climate change crisis is intentional and political, and wholly designed to push the Democrats’ anti-freedom agenda. What is important to these people is that corporations instead of actual people be blamed.

  4. Let me get it off my chest. I hate this fucking bitch with a passion, AOC, and I equally hate the other members of her squad. And I have never been a hateful person all my life. Ask anyone who knows me. These motherfuckers, including the media, are bent on fucking up this country.
    That is their goal. Destroy America today. That was Hitler’s goal years ago. We beat the Bastard with real men and women. Can we do the same thing today? With the snowflake cunts we have around us?
    Fuck it.I’M glad I’m on the back nine


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