‘Glowing’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez breaks silence
Dec 23, 2024 — “I’m not pregnant guys,” she clarified the rumours that has circulated since before the election. “I had a lot of food at Thanksgiving, OK?
Dec 23, 2024 — “I’m not pregnant guys,” she clarified the rumours that has circulated since before the election. “I had a lot of food at Thanksgiving, OK?
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She’s not pregnant, just reaching the age where most Hispanic / Mexican women start to turn into Hunky Chunkys / Blimpos.
When she and Bernie’s message is to “Fight Oligarchy” do they mean in academia, the media, high tech, entertainment or within the Democrat party?
Forget about her fat growing bottom, what is it about her nose? I would get a nose job if I were her. She starting to look like Ole Ski Nose. (Bob Hope for you youngins).
Watching and listening to AOC just reminded me that I have to take my garbage cans out to the curb!
No wonder their governance stinks so bad.
She was born with a silverfish in her mouth and hasn’t figgered out how to get it out yet!
Well, they could fart harder, but beware that you don’t take a page from Ole Joetato and shart harder.
AOC is now known as COW.
“I had a Dream Not to be judged by the color of our skin….
but the smell of our farts”
I found a video of one of her staff meetings.
Dear Lord no, please don’t let her reproduce!
Speaking of Bob Hope, at least he was funny and knew the truth back in 1940. An oldie but a goodie.
“Oligarchy”? Throw out a word, any word, to see if it will stick.
Their dirty, little secret is “It’s OK when it is OUR Oligarch!”
What is a ny rep doing stirring up shit in CO and why does anyone pay attention to her, or that dried old turd Brrnard.
Eric Swallell.