AOC Flubs Basic Economics…. Again – IOTW Report

AOC Flubs Basic Economics…. Again

DanBongino: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez boasts a Bachelor’s degree in economics from Boston University – but she must’ve fallen asleep during one of her lectures in macro 101.

Following the Federal Reserve announcing that they’ll be stepping in to provide $1.5 trillion in liquidity to the markets yesterday, AOC, having no idea what any of that means, seized upon the news as proof that the money could’ve instead been spent on cancelling everyone’s student loans. more

22 Comments on AOC Flubs Basic Economics…. Again

  1. I often think that she must be playing dumb so that we all under-estimate her. Having been the youngest woman ever elected to congress tells me that if she is playing a long game, she could one day be in a position of great power. But on the other hand…

  2. Reminds me of when the Post Office decided to burn several millions of dollars worth of stamps, the local news cried about how that money could have gone to homeless relief. They are all clueless.

  3. You can be more than assured that she did buy a sheet of paper from Boston College on their discount rate. Attend no classes, do no homework, learn nothing plan.

  4. Idiot.
    The very last thing we need to do is forgive student debt.
    Make the colleges consignees and stick them with the bill, maybe they won’t have money to pay fake Indians 400K to teach one class a year

  5. Green New Deal,,,
    No one ever gave a S’ about the old one.
    Maybe Nancy could adopt this one for a future forfeiture offer deal to get the funding back as proof why abortion is sometimes needed to Planned Parenthood.

  6. Colleges are the ultimate hucksters. They convince people to fork over big dough, for which you enter indentured servitude for decades, but provide no real education or marketable skill.

    And then colleges circle back around with their alumni begging.

    Dean Wormer was an honorable man by today’s standards.

  7. I do not believe she attended any economic classes at BC. If she did study economics she would know socialism doesn’t work. I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out that somebody else sat through those classes for her.

  8. She’d really lose her mind if someone told her the fed not only “gave” the money to the stock market, but also invested it and plans on selling it when the market bounces back for a cool $10 Trillion PROFIT.


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