AOC is mad at Biden – IOTW Report

AOC is mad at Biden


Biden is facing intense backlash from progressive lawmakers after saying Tuesday he would not sign a measure to forgive up to $50,000 in federally held student debt per borrower through executive action.

During a CNN town hall, Biden shot down the debt forgiveness plan pushed by top Democratic lawmakers and prominent progressives, including Charles Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“I will not make that happen,” Biden said when asked about whether he would support $50,000 in loan forgiveness.

Biden suggested he was against a larger amount of student loan forgiveness because it would benefit borrowers who went to more expensive and elite private universities, “like Harvard and Yale and Penn.” And he expressed concerns that the costs associated with a higher amount of student debt cancellation would make it harder to enact other policies, like free community college and early childhood education.

“Who cares what school someone went to? Entire generations of working class kids were encouraged to go into more debt under the guise of elitism. This is wrong,” AOC tweeted. “Nowhere does it say we must trade-off early childhood education for student loan forgiveness. We can have both.” more

25 Comments on AOC is mad at Biden

  1. This is what happens to your little girls when you don’t take them hunting and don’t spank them. I’m freaken amazed, daily, at the peeps that take this ignorant moron seriously.

  2. WA state lefties are trying to enact a 7% capital gains tax on incomes over 250K. Its equal to an income tax which isn’t allowed in the state constitution. Never mind, they’ll find a work around. BUT, one thing the new funds are needed for, “early childhood development.” 😭


  3. Since she is apparently always on the rag maybe her, the Squad and other assorted feminazi nutjobs should be the leaders of Rush’s fabled All American Amazon Brigade. They could call themselves the Ragheads (or the Raggedy Karens) and their official music would be ragtime and their corporate sponsors would be Kotex.

  4. “To err is human; to forgive, Divine.”

    You cannot “forgive” a loan.
    You can only see to it that someone not involved in making the “loan” pays it off.
    That’s the definition of theft.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “You know, of course, that we will have to destroy these evil people one way or another at some point?”

    And you know, of course, that they say the same thing about us?

    And that there are more of them than there of us?

    And that, so far, they are the ones that have shown they are willing to act?

  6. A O C is mad, as in insane. There, that’s better.

    Cortes Cortes, where have I heard that name before? Oh yeah, wasn’t he the Spanish dude who killed and plundered he way through what is now called Central America? Any relation to you Sandy?

  7. BAR, they’ll die after 3 days but they sure as heck won’t be resurrected ever since they don’t believe in God. My trust is in God and not man, all there trust is in all the failed schemes of men that have never proved to lead to anything but the destruction of everything that is good.


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