AOC is working everybody’s last nerve – IOTW Report

AOC is working everybody’s last nerve

AOC became a ‘pariah’ among Democrats in Congress, clashed with Pelosi, new book reveals.

NYP: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quickly emerged as a darling of progressive activists, but inside the halls of Congress she became a “pariah” among fellow Democrats, a new book claims.

Even before Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — widely known by her initials AOC — ascended to the House of Representatives in 2019, she rankled party leadership and progressive luminaries in the lower chamber, according to “The Squad: AOC and the Hope of a Political Revolution,” out on Tuesday.

“While somebody like Obama wants to be seen as being all things to all people, Ocasio Cortez actually thinks she can be all things to all people while leading a political revolution,” author Ryan Grim wrote, per a preview of the tome published by the Daily Mail on Sunday. 

Grim recounts how the firebrand progressive — who unseated 10-term incumbent and Democratic Caucus Chair Joe Crowley — upset top members of the party early on in her career.

In July 2018, the month after AOC beat Crowley in the Democratic primary, she met with then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — who urged the 28-year-old lefty to drop the slogan “Abolish ICE.” more here

15 Comments on AOC is working everybody’s last nerve

  1. As I remember, that fat bastard Cenk Uygur from the young turkeys actually held auditions for that office and came up with AOC. At one point in time they were telling her what to spout out of her blow hole, I wonder if that’s still the case?

  2. That’s all well and good, but her Green New Deal is the foundation for Globalist tyranny, and its tenets, which we all ridiculed, are steadily being implemented.

    And if she’s such a pariah, why is she still there? The Dems could readily be rid of her if they really wanted. She’s not going anywhere.

  3. I had to laugh every time I heard a feminist say “the world would be a better place if it was run by women”. They obviously never worked in an environment with 2 or more women. The pettiness, backbiting, and bickering never end. (My experience, as a general rule)


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