AOC just endorsed Bernard Sanders for President at the DNC convention – IOTW Report

AOC just endorsed Bernard Sanders for President at the DNC convention

It was explained that she’s a delegate for her district which went for Bernie. So she didn’t have a choice. But something tells me she would have done so, regardless. lol.

The Bidenites are freaking out. Which makes it funnier.

22 Comments on AOC just endorsed Bernard Sanders for President at the DNC convention

  1. It’s all over Twitter right now.
    I HEARD it myself. Someone else endorsed bernie and she 2nd it.
    Edit: She said she was supposed to. She had to say something because Biden voters were shitting bricks. lolol

  2. She had one minute so she made herself the center of attention.

    I heard Ted Cruz earlier say if Biden is elected–AOC would be the head of the EPA and Bernie would be Secretary of State. Terrifyingly scary to think about.

  3. Just saw it on the Canuckistan news. They of course said she was endorsing Biden’s adaptation of Bernie’s policies.


    Now they are showing Slick Willie.

    Definitely has AIDS

  4. So AOC with American flags in the background endorses Bernie. Explain away, I see it as a clear sign they have no clue how to reach Walmart folk in swing states and this is a swing and huge miss.

  5. All pretenses are off. They are past continuing with the charade of a CON-vention and election. Either they already know they have the election buttoned-up with illegal votes or they have realized they cannot win and have decided to burn the whole thing down.

  6. “It was explained that she’s a delegate for her district which went for Bernie. So she didn’t have a choice”

    She doesn’t rep her district. She reps the Young Turks.

  7. It could be that Barnyard was the REAL dimbulb for the DNC.

    They are dumb enough to push Joey, Shrillary, and a dozen other commie scum…

    Maybe that’s their double down. A double double retard double down.

  8. John Kerry and Jill, I mean Dr. Jill, are gonna speak next. WHHHOOOO WEEEEE!….ain’t we seein’ somethin’ now!…Will Jill be necked with some feather boas?….will John Kerry be promising a catsup bottle in every pot?….Kerry’s speech was brief. Kind of a sore loser type speech. Teresa must have put his balls to bed early….


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