AOC Likes Tweet From Russian State Media Claiming Iran Doesn’t Target Civilians – IOTW Report

AOC Likes Tweet From Russian State Media Claiming Iran Doesn’t Target Civilians

WFB: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) liked a tweet from a Russian-funded operative claiming that Iran, the world’s most prolific state sponsor of terrorism, does not target civilians.

“A friend flying into the US says he hasn’t seen so much security since 9/11,” activist Rania Khalek said in a Sunday tweet liked by the Democratic congresswoman. “The US is terrified of how Iran will retaliate. Iran won’t attack civilians, that’s what al Qaeda does. But it shows this assassination did the opposite of making Americans safer and our leaders know it.”

Khalek is a host for In the Now, a viral media company funded by the Russian government that was kicked off Facebook for its pro-Russia propaganda. She previously served as an editor for anti-Israel site The Electronic Intifada but resigned after speaking at a pro-Bashar al-Assad conference in Syria. read more

17 Comments on AOC Likes Tweet From Russian State Media Claiming Iran Doesn’t Target Civilians

  1. The hallmark of Iranian/Arab Terrorism is indiscriminate murder and mayhem!
    It’s whut they do!!
    Then they bring in Baghdad Bob to say shit like: “We do not target civilians”
    AOC – Shadup and go back to trying to figger out yer disposal you dumb bint!

  2. Did anyone point out to AOC that, even if you buy the statement about Iran not targeting civilians (which is bullshit), Trump didn’t target civilians either?

    Also, Iran is usually busy hiding behind civilians.

  3. Iranian or democrat? .

    [Iranian or democrat?]”Attacking cultural sites is a war crime. But has he made U.S. more secure? Do Americans feel more secure? Are Americans welcome today in this region? Do they feel welcome?”

    [Iranian or democrat?]”We now have a president who is tweeting threats of war crimes. We’ve had to pull all of the Americans out of the area, all the civilians. This is not making America safer.”

    [Iranian or democrat?]” He’s prepared to commit war crimes. He has killed people of this region. He has spent a trillion dollars. He said that, uhh, U.S. had, uh, wasted $7 trillion in our region. He has added another trillion. Is the United States more secure today because of that?”

    [Iranian or democrat?]”When Donald J. Trump was sworn in on January 20th, 2017, he repeated these words. I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the president of the United States and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Has he lived up to that sacred obligation? Has he honored his oath of office? Has he preserved, protected, and defended the Constitution of the United States? The uncontested evidence provides the simple yet tragic answer: He has not. In America, no one is above the law.”

    [Iranian or democrat?]”We are a law-abiding people. We’re not lawless like President Trump. He is destroying the U.S. Constitution. He’s destroying the U.S. political process. He’s destroying the rule of law in the United States.”


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