AOC once cried in a refrigerator because she got an order wrong – IOTW Report

AOC once cried in a refrigerator because she got an order wrong

Townhall: Rep. Dan Crenshaw had the perfect response to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s accusation earlier this week that Republican lawmakers don’t understand the demands of working-class jobs, arguing that “they sit around on leather chairs all day.”

“Republicans like to make fun of the fact that I used to be a waitress, but we all know if they ever had to do a double they’d be the ones found crying in the walk-in fridge halfway through their first shift bc someone yelled at them for bringing seltzer when they wanted sparkling,” she said. 

As Cortney mentioned earlier this week, a number of Republicans took issue with AOC’s suggestion, including Sen. Joni Ernst. more

36 Comments on AOC once cried in a refrigerator because she got an order wrong

  1. This Texan Has Had Enough
    DECEMBER 7, 2020 AT 12:30 PM
    “Hardly anybody who ever worked in food/beverage service has not screamed or cried in the walk-in.”

    …I was a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant in my formative years, so I can’t say that was my experience since my customer interactions were limited to being the scary looking guy glowering at mouthy customers next to the double doors when the boss wanted them to think he had a bouncer, but the waitresses got pretty upset sometimes, but being a horny little prick I mostly tried to turn that to my advantage too, making their day that much worse (and never gaining THEM anything). I got pretty steamed at people on the customer service desk working on cars too, but more angry than weepy. But from what I’ve seen of customer service in both retail and restaurants, it definitely validates the Sartre saying “Hell is Other People”…

  2. “Hardly anybody who ever worked in food/beverage service has not screamed or cried in the walk-in.”

    just call me “hardly anybody”!!!!!

    most serious adults have moved on from those summer jobs by the time they reach adulthood and now do adult work like polishing their leather chairs with their buts.

    stupid pussies!

  3. Sorry, Sandy.
    No, we do not think you were wronged. We admit we have made mistakes and have dealt with them, without the government being involved.
    Leave me out of your politics. Let me deal with my mistakes and others. We do not need more laws and rules.

  4. Working a double in a bar is what, eight hours? Try working forty-one 16 hour shifts in a row at a chemical plant when it’s nearly 100 degrees outside during the day and almost everything around you can kill you.

  5. …gee, if she’s that upset when someone doesn’t like the seltzer, I wonder how she’d react if a screaming woman threw a baby at her after an auto accident with its guts squeezed out of its asshole by the impact because the stupid mother was holding it in her arms and she had to field it and do CPR on its crushed litte ribcage all the way to the hospital…

  6. I am an aircraft mechanic for 40+ years, 20 of those working on the flight deck on multiple aircraft carriers or on flight lines around the world.
    So sorry to hear that she was too stupid to get a water order right.

  7. One of the fellows I worked with manned the complaint desk. (phone work).
    I heard him ask someone who was cursing at him:
    “Excuse me, sir, do you know who you are talking to?”
    And he hung up. Best laugh I had at that job.

    I learned early in my working career that I was not good at customer relations and much better suited to an office job. You can only get upset with a few people that you will need to continue to interact with. So, most often, you just let it go, knowing that you probably bother others more often than you know.

  8. kt; Seems the democrat’s cat is out of the bag this week, democrats know how to elect people without actually worrying about how many legal votes might be required. No doubt (AOC) they’ve been doing it, practicing, for awhile. Only a hand full of real voters voted for her, they filled in the big gaps. Don’t blame real voters.

  9. TRY to imagine how she might feel if she knew just how wrong she got America, common sense, reality or any other important thing in life.

    That was rhetorical…It’s well known she couldn’t give a shit.
    She is WAY TOO much a dumb-shit liberal.

  10. I don’t know why anyone gets caught up in responding to this vacuous girl!

    I only have two words for someone who says such silly, self-important clap-trap: Piss. Off.

  11. So…….who was covering your tables while you went into the walk in to sob all over the arugula?

    No one?

    All seven tables had to wait for you to control yourself?

    See kids, this is how you get fired.


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