AOC Tests Positive for COVID – IOTW Report

AOC Tests Positive for COVID

PJM: Days after being photographed maskless in Florida, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has tested positive for COVID.

“Representative Ocasio-Cortez has received a positive test result for COVID-19,” her office said in a statement. “She is experiencing symptoms and recovering at home.”

Her office also confirmed that Ocasio-Cortez was fully vaccinated and received her booster shot this past fall. Despite contracting COVID while fully vaxxed and boostered, Ocasio-Cortez “encourages everyone to get their booster and follow all CDC guidance.” more here. h/t Joe6pak

38 Comments on AOC Tests Positive for COVID

  1. “probably blame Ron DeSantis for making her go maskless in Florida.”
    Anything to blame someone else.
    I’m guessing 100% chance she’ll blame DeSantis, and actually tested negative.

  2. refuse/resist
    JANUARY 9, 2022 AT 9:11 PM
    “Time to send her to the glue factory.”

    Nah, she’d be terrible glue.

    Liberals only know how to divide.

    They can’t unify anything.

  3. I can’t wait to see how she makes this political and how she was treated differently because of Razzizms & Wamens.

    I await the headlines…

  4. I guess COVID also wanted to date her.
    Here is the problem with the narrative her supporters are trying to set on social media.
    They claim that’s because no mask mandates in Florida.
    Florida has no mask mandates, but has much lower infection rates than mask and vaccine mandate crazy California and New York.
    Plus masks do nothing to stop infections. There are over 40 studies published to debunk the claim they help in stopping infections.
    They also ignore the many photos made available for AOC partying with, and hugging several people in nightclubs, including one where she was hugging drag queens. That’s more way to get infected.
    Plus, there are no evidence she got COVID in Florida, and more likely she got it when she went back to COVID hotbed New York.
    Given her history in lying, it should not surprise you if she either made up being tested positive to get more attention and to have people forger or ignore her latest stupid statements on how Republicans are attacking her because they “can’t date her”, and to distract from her own hypocrisy of leaving her COVID ravaged state to party and vacation in Florida, a state she attacked, not wearing masks, a policy she supported.
    That, or she was really infected, but immediately after going back to New York.
    She is a certified idiot, and what some of us call damaged goods. Nothing good or truthful comes out of her. She is a communist after all.

  5. I can’t help but wonder if it’s the same kind of positive result as that guy who posted his test results to Twitter last week after he didn’t even show up to be tested?


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