AOC Tweets Quotes from Nazi Sympathizer Ava Peron – IOTW Report

AOC Tweets Quotes from Nazi Sympathizer Ava Peron

GWP: The New York Post reported on Sunday that President Trump compared Democrat Party leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Argentina first lady Evita Peron.

AOC then took the news and started tweeting out her favorite Evita quotes.

Evita Peron was a Nazi lover who was accused of accepting Nazi treasures stolen from wealthy Jewish families during the Holocaust in return for using her country as a safe haven.

Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t know this or doesn’t care. more

19 Comments on AOC Tweets Quotes from Nazi Sympathizer Ava Peron

  1. I think we all understand that she’s a child trying to play with the big boys but doesn’t she have this supposed brilliant chief of staff? This guy either can’t control or advise her or his intellect has been sorely over-rated. The satire pics and tweets from this ought to be epic.

  2. but but they made a movie about Evita and it was a musical … and and Madonna…… and a stage play… need to get the t-shirt… orange man bad has no culture…

  3. She’s under the illusion that’s she’s a revolutionary and has a large following. The truth is that her following is comprised of people who are curious to see her next idiotic blunder.

  4. Now it’s time for Snopes, Vox et al to sanitize Eva Peron for the barmaid. Hurry, journos, she needs some “experts” to clap back with.

    You know, she’s taking a few days off from all the hard work, and she’s asking people where she should go. Might I suggest Bariloche, Sandy?

  5. Sandy O’Cortez – socialist
    Eva Peron – socialist
    National Socialist – socialist
    Inter-National Socialist – socialist
    Fascist – socialist
    Communist – socialist
    Demonrat – socialist
    Progressive – socialist

    They know their own – either by the smell or through telepathy.
    Or maybe just by the consuming hatefulness.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Trump is racist for stereotyping Spanish-speaking women in politics.

    Yes, that makes no sense, but I bet it’s the gist of Sandy’s clapback at Trump, whenever it comes.


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