AOC’s propaganda film – IOTW Report

AOC’s propaganda film

Free AOC Propaganda Film “To Save The Day (NOT)” And To Indoctrinate Your Kids.

The Lid: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a new film out, more like propaganda and lies on steroids, just in time to “educate” your kids. It’s a movie featuring many of the young socialists who ran against established democrats.  Just think, a whole generation of young people being manipulated and lied to by AOC, indoctrination at its best, this so-called film comes complete with teaching guides for all levels of academia.  Did I forget to mention Netflix is showing this film for free on YouTube? AOC propaganda.

“Many young people ask me why & how I started running for office from a restaurant, w/o any special connections or big money.”

AOC says she ran for office with no special connections, no big money, and implied she also had no experience.  One small problem here; actually a lot of problems here.  But first things first – this is straight-up BS. MORE

12 Comments on AOC’s propaganda film

  1. FTA: During AOC’s college years, she was an intern for U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, no doubt gaining valuable experience.

    Somehow “propaganda” is not the first noun beginning with “p” that comes to mind when linking AOC to Ted Kennedy.

    AOC do love her some camera time though….almost as much as Schiff or Schumer.

  2. Dang! I also accidentally outed myself as “Michelle’s Rogue Pube” a while back too. Dang. No more funny yet immature made up names. Too hard to keep track of.

    R.I.P. Rusty Annas. (TAPS plays in the background…)

  3. I see I misunderstood Jerry’s mistake.

    Get a second Gravatar when you want to sock-puppet. Easier. I consider mine an honest sock puppet from the angle that it’s obvious I’m not really trying to fake another identity but, instead, obvious intentional humor. I’m still accountable for my posts even though it’s not under Do4

    Excluding these two posts.


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