AP Attempts Racist Guilt by Association Smear Against Christians Who Aren’t Supporting Harris – IOTW Report

AP Attempts Racist Guilt by Association Smear Against Christians Who Aren’t Supporting Harris


The AP, which allegedly stands for Associated Press but in practice translates to Always Promoting (Kamala), has outdone even its usual self with an October 18, 2024 story bearing the hellfire and brimstone-breathing title “ What’s a ‘Jezebel spirit’? Some Christians use the term to paint Kamala Harris with a demonic brush.” The headline immediately conjures images of angry old white men in large flat-brimmed hats and long black coats spewing venom in backwoods churches filled with backward people. That’s not pulpit pounding you hear; it’s war drum beating! Except it’s not actually drums since drums are the devil’s heartbeat, leading the flock astray with every syncopated beat or something. more

13 Comments on AP Attempts Racist Guilt by Association Smear Against Christians Who Aren’t Supporting Harris

  1. Perhaps Jerry Wilson has in mind a point he was trying to make with this muddled article, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it even after a second reading. Try again please, Jerry.

  2. “ What’s a ‘Jezebel spirit’? Some Christians use the term to paint Kamala Harris with a demonic brush.”

    …no, I use the FACT that she advocates, promotes, facilitates, and uses money STOLEN from ME to murder as many babies as she can and even pushes forcing DOCTORS and Catholic hospitals to murder babies against their own religious convictions, as reason enough to “paint” her as a demonic spirit.

    “By their furits ye shall know them”, it is written.

    And HER fruits are quite demonic indeed…

  3. When was the last time the AP had any credibility? I’m 100% in agreement with SNS. Christians even gullible, foolish Christians in name only should never vote for kammy ever because she will destroy America as it was founded and persecute all Christians, orthodox Jews and anyone else who stands in her way. If she is not a Jezebel I don’t know what she is except pure evil.

  4. Kackala doesn’t realize that God will not be mocked.

    She WILL find out, though. The second she is kneeling at his feet, her guts will melt inside her from knowing what she is in for. For eternity.


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