AP: Saudi Tycoon Used Middleman to Funnel Money to Obama’s Inaugural Celebration – IOTW Report

AP: Saudi Tycoon Used Middleman to Funnel Money to Obama’s Inaugural Celebration

(AP) — When President Barack Obama was reelected in 2012, a Saudi tycoon and his business associate sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to the U.S. to help pay for the inaugural celebration and get a picture with the president, according to court documents and an analysis of campaign finance records by The Associated Press.

U.S. election law prohibits foreign nationals from making those sorts of political contributions. But the donations Sheikh Mohammed Al Rahbani tried to send to Obama’s inaugural committee were funneled through a seasoned straw donor, the records and the AP analysis show.

That intermediary, Imaad Zuberi, agreed this month to plead guilty to making illegal campaign contributions to several American political candidates on behalf of foreign nationals. He is also set to plead guilty to concealing his work as a foreign agent as he lobbied high-level U.S. government officials. read more

12 Comments on AP: Saudi Tycoon Used Middleman to Funnel Money to Obama’s Inaugural Celebration

  1. …well, he’s a Muslim, so they were just doing the bidding of a!!ah by supporting this Taqiyya usurper.

    …just part of the Islamic takeover.

    …one day, that Muslim neighbor, that Muslim shopkeeper, that Muslim friend of yours will lead the Muslim murderers to YOUR door. What will you do THEN? If we have Democrats in power and allow Democrats like “Obama” do disarm us in keeping with Koranic law that no non-Muslim may be armed, what WILL you do THEN?


  2. We at iotw knew when the traitor got elected the first time he was getting foreign money. “U.S. election law prohibits foreign nationals from making those sorts of political contributions.” So when will they enforce the law?

  3. I still laugh my ass of at the official portraits.

    I cannot help it.

    they look like they were done by barocks daughters in first grade.

    the best part is they will be on display for as long as there is a whitehouse.


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