AP says Trump Threatened To Send Troops Into Mexico 😂 – IOTW Report

AP says Trump Threatened To Send Troops Into Mexico 😂

DC: President Donald Trump threatened to send American troops to Mexico to take care of “bad hombres” in a Friday call with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto,  the Associated Press reports.

“You have a bunch of bad hombres down there,” Trump told the Mexican president in the excerpt provided to the AP. “You aren’t doing enough to stop them. I think your military is scared. Our military isn’t, so I just might send them down to take care of it.”

Trump described the call with Mexico as “very good” last Friday. Although Trump added that Mexico has made the US “look foolish” and that he is seeking a “new relationship” with the border nation.

A White House official told CNN after the AP story broke that “reports that the President threatened to invade Mexico are false. Even the Mexican government is disputing these reports.”


20 Comments on AP says Trump Threatened To Send Troops Into Mexico 😂

  1. #fakenews that snowflakes on FB are still having a hissy fit over: “I hate that man!”

    Word at the water cooler is he did the same to the Australian PM. Like we want to fight & capture a bunch of furries.

  2. @TIM
    It would be like when Woodrow Wilson (D) sent General Pershing into Mexico to look for Poncho Villa.

    According to official reports out of Mexico, the AP made up those “Alternative Facts.”

  3. Oh no, now we have gone and made the Mexicans mad! Just wait until they withhold their taco’s, chihuahua dogs, mariachi bands, and sombreros from us boy will we be sorry!

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