Apparently I just adopted every college student in New York – IOTW Report

Apparently I just adopted every college student in New York

Patriot Retort: Whelp. I guess I can’t say that I don’t have any children anymore.

No, I’m not pregnant. Perish the thought.

But thanks to Governor Andrew Cuomo, I just adopted every college student whose parents make less than $125,000 a year.

Now, I won’t need to make room for them in my home. And I am not responsible for providing them with a car or a cell phone.

But I will be paying for their college education.

Mighty charitable of me, don’t you think?

Well, it would be charitable of me if I were doing it voluntarily.

But I and every other taxpaying citizen of the state have no choice in the matter.

If that bellowing buffoon Andrew Cuomo gets his way, we’re going to be footing the bill for their college tuition whether we want to or not.  MORE

8 Comments on Apparently I just adopted every college student in New York

  1. Oh man, I live in NJ and have a Junior, a Sophomore, and a freshman in high school and if this goes through I am so quickly moving 40 miles north and allowing you, MJA, to pay my kid’s college bill!

    What a fucking stupid idiot this Cuomo guy is!

  2. Cuomo is planning on running for President in 2020, and he’s shoring up his Bernies. We have a repeat of the last election playing out before Trump and Pence are even sworn into office. A Liberal/Socialist/Democrat taking on a Conservative/Capitalist/Republican. However, Cuomo is more energetic and smarter than Clinton. If Trump is successful in expanding his base in the swing states, Cuomo will find his quest as disappointing as Poor Hillary’s. In the meantime, throw the money away like a good Socialist buying voters. It works in New York City and Albany.

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