Apparently One of the Undelivered Acme Fake Bombs is Missing – IOTW Report

Apparently One of the Undelivered Acme Fake Bombs is Missing

Apparently the Post Office knows they had one destined to Joe Biden, that is somewhere in the mail system.

33 Comments on Apparently One of the Undelivered Acme Fake Bombs is Missing

  1. These were not “mailed”. Had they been “mailed” the stamps would have been canceled, and all the packages would have been stopped early at a post office. The packages are designed to appear to be a “suspicious package” and the contents are designed to look like a stupid person’s haha or attempt at making a nonfunctional bomb. Moreover, the ISIS stickers are designed to make it look like a “right-winger’s” failed attempt to make these look like they came from Muzzies. Yet, somehow, the packages managed to get mostly simultaneously delivered to places such as secret service distribution centers, Wasserman Shultz’s office, CNN etc. by someone who got in undetected.

    This is most likel a deep state multi-level false flag operation to move media narrative, not to hurt anyone. Police sirens, evacuated buildings, hyperventilating pundits, a big mystery of who sent da bombs, lots of opportunity to trash Trump and those violent Trumpers etc. Noise and distraction and fooling the idjits who are going to hear, when they accidentally pass a TV running CNN all about the mysterious bomb packages everywhere sent by some hateful also-mob-like racist violent Trump supporter.

  2. Just be ready for a slew of ACME F-bombs today, sent to the second tier of victims. All the ones who missed the first round will be hovering around their mailboxes, hoping for a gift from the Deep State. This next round will likely be a little different, with even cruder attempts to point back at you and me as the bomb-makers.

    Make no mistake,, they’re going after us now. We are getting the Kavanaugh treatment, and these bombish things are bearing false witness against us. This week started out with the MSM narrative that Trump was irresponsibly egging us on into violence. Think of these devices as a string of exclamation points to that narrative. The Ones and Eleventies are coming today.

  3. Janitor is right. Not put through the US Postal Service, so this a coordinated effort by many. Did you see the container of Clorox wipes sitting next to what’s purported to be the one sent to CNN? What are the wipes for? So now that we’re all thinking these are fake, what will they do next, whose names will go on the next return address labels?

  4. It would be a complete waste of time to send a bomb to Biden.
    If ever there was a real life Frank Drebin it’s Joe Biden. Through his bumbling and stumbling he’d somehow manage to render the device useless.

  5. read a comment on breitbart that usps does not deliver packages to people under ss protection. do not know if that is accurate but makes sense.

    cui buono…who benefits…attempt to shoot down powerful msg of ‘jobs not mobs’…my bet is on anyi trump, pro blue wave wishful thinkers

  6. drat..left out important piece of comment referred to above, that usps delivers pkgs to people under ss protection not to the addressee but to the ss and the ss vets the pkg.


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