Appeals Court Affirms Injunction Against Joe Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

Appeals Court Affirms Injunction Against Joe Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate


The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled against the Joe Biden OSHA vaccine mandate calling it “staggeringly overbroad.”

[The 22-page ruling and opinion is AVAILABLE HERE]

The three judge panel upheld its previous decision to put a stay on the order by Joe Biden against companies with 100 workers or more.  The Biden administration had instructed the Department of Labor to require COVID-19 vaccines.  The Biden administration’s effort to use an Emergency Temporary Standard OHSA rule was rejected by the court citing numerous flaws in their review and ruling: more

16 Comments on Appeals Court Affirms Injunction Against Joe Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate

  1. college resume examples, you are probably just a bot — but if you aren’t — we don’t need pictures, or photographs, or films, for the most part.

    As has been pointed out by others, I paraphrase, “I’d rather read something in a few minutes than be stuck getting the point of a 10 minute video filled with bullshit asides, and meaningless introductions”.

  2. whoever wrote this opinion should go to the front of the list for future Republican judicial nominees (that is, if there ever will be a Republican Administration in the future) … succinct, logical & clear … the Feds DO NOT have the authority & they’ve clearly overstepped their bounds to the point of totalitarianism

    ” … one constant remains—the [Biden] Mandate fails almost completely to address, or even respond to, much of this reality and common sense”

    in this day & age one is amazed that such common sense & clarity exist within our current government structure … BRAVO!

  3. Just hope that the SC will do the right thing when this gets to them.

    Not very confident that they will. The “conservatives” on the court seem compromised. LGB’s people already said to ignore the last ruling so they must know the fix is in

  4. To the best of my knowledge, this ruling only applies to the mandate against private companies with more than 100 employees where the mandate was to go into effect on Jan 4.
    The prior mandates (such as for Federal employees or employees of federal contractors) are unaffected by this stay.
    It does – however – provide some hope that if cases were filed that covered those employees it might be ruled similarly. Just hasn’t been brought to court yet.


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