Appeals Court Blocks Ruling by Obama-Appointed Judge After He Reimposed Injunction on Trump Policy – IOTW Report

Appeals Court Blocks Ruling by Obama-Appointed Judge After He Reimposed Injunction on Trump Policy

Epoch Times:

A federal appeals court blocked a ruling by a federal judge who had re-issued a nationwide injunction despite being advised not to do so unless he re-evaluated his original ruling.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said in an administrative order that a Sept. 9 ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Jon Tiger that Tigar’s ruling was too broad, striking down the injunction.

It was the latest clash between Tigar and the court.

Tigar initially ruled in July that a Trump administration policy denying asylum to applicants if they declined to apply for asylum in a country they passed through before reaching the United States was likely against the law, issuing a nationwide injunction to halt the policy across the nation. Since the policy dealt with migrants reaching the southern border, the injunction halted it in California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas.

But the appeals court said in a ruling in August that Tigar didn’t seem to weigh whether a nationwide injunction was actually necessary.

“The district court clearly erred by failing to consider whether nationwide relief is necessary to remedy Plaintiffs’ alleged harms,” the ruling stated. “And, based on the limited record before us, we do not believe a nationwide injunction is justified.”

The ruling removed the injunction from New Mexico and Texas, which are not within the 9th Circuit. read more

7 Comments on Appeals Court Blocks Ruling by Obama-Appointed Judge After He Reimposed Injunction on Trump Policy

  1. If there is no punishment for this lawless tyrant doing this, everyone has to still take him seriously until he is impeached or dies in office.

    No one else seeking justice in his courtrroom gets their case heard by the appellate court a week later. Likewise, no one on the opposite side of his leftwing legislating from the bench is getting a fair hearing.

  2. The law as interpreted by one Liberal Judge imposing his idea of Social Justice on the Deplorables. He’s not finished yet. Judge Jon Tiger will be back as soon as he is given a legal opportunity to prove his Liberal superiority. Just think how many of his ilk would be ruining our country if President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton hadn’t dropped her guard when she listed all the members of her basket of deplorables.

  3. Where the hell do these low-level federal court judges get off countermanding the president of the United States and unilaterally telling him what he can and cannot do across the country.

    (And it’s time to divide up the 9th circuit. It’s too damn big.)


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