Appeals Court issues nightmare decision for Lois Lerner and the IRS – IOTW Report

Appeals Court issues nightmare decision for Lois Lerner and the IRS

AmericanThinker: The wheels of justice slowly have been turning, and those of us who feared that Lois Lerner and the IRS would get off scot-free despite their lawless targeting of Tea Party groups have something to celebrate.

lois lerner

And Lois Lerner may have had a troubled sleep last night if she was paying attention instead of enjoying her six-figure pension with leisure activities.

An appeals court judge in the Sixth Circuit has delivered a blistering rebuke to both the Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department attorneys that have defended it in behalf of a unanimous three-judge panel. As a result, officials current and former will be forced to testify under oath for their misdeeds in a civil action with big bucks at stake.  MORE

17 Comments on Appeals Court issues nightmare decision for Lois Lerner and the IRS

  1. Justice delayed is Justice denied.

    The Dept. of Justice is the most powerful league of attorneys who protect the elite establishment government lackeys, hacks, thieves and murderers.

    DOJ is the protective arm of the government criminal enterprise.

  2. This case will be back in the headlines mid to late Summer. It goes back to the trial court with orders tfrom the appleattte court to the trial court order the IRS to comply with the plaintiff’s demands.
    A little attorney work here, a little there, another hearing, then documents delivered. Figure mid to late Summer. Just in time for the notional campaign.

  3. as the White House screen door hts our Kenyan Communist Moslem In Chief in the ass as he’s leaving OUR White House, we can be sure that Obama’s Pardon List will dwarf Bill Clinton’s disgusting, repellent, corrupt list of murderers, thieves,drug dealers and felons.

    Mr Obama will make sure to teflon coat his henchmen Eric Holder, Lois Lerner and that Koskinen asshole with pardons.

    But here’s my question – if after Obama leaves office and it’s clear that Obama himself was in on the Vast LeftWing Conspiracy of crime and corruption, will President Trump vigorously enforce justice or can Obama pardon himself too before he leaves office?

  4. [sniff..sniff] Smell that?

    Presidential Pardons in the air.

    When 0bama departs the White House, his pardons will make Bill Clinton’s look like something Mother Teresa did, by comparison.

  5. Forced to testify….big deal.
    Bubba testified, was impeached for lying to congress, found guilty, and still served as the first black prezzy a couple more years. His felonious hag of a wife spent HOURS testifiying before the do nothings in congress regarding Benghazi and the famous server, and there is a good chance SHE will be elected to the HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE LAND.
    So i say, big deal. The IRS will continue to screw the proles out of their hard-earned coin, Lerner and the current IRS director, Gollum, will continue collecting their fat paychecks, and the USA will continue her downward spiral.
    Film at 11.00.

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