Appeals Court Lets Trump Administration Partly Defund Abortion Providers as Lawsuits Continue – IOTW Report

Appeals Court Lets Trump Administration Partly Defund Abortion Providers as Lawsuits Continue

Epoch Times:

A federal appeals court on June 20 granted the Trump administration’s request to lift nationwide injunctions ordered by lower courts in Washington and Oregon that prevented the executive branch from blocking federal family planning funds from abortion providers.

The taxpayer money in question is part of the decades-old Title X program meant for low-income Americans. Under the original designation, the funds couldn’t be used for abortion. The administration of President Bill Clinton lifted the abortion restriction. Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion corporation, receives approximately a quarter of the total Title X taxpayer funds.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a rule on Feb. 22 that “prohibits the use of Title X funds to perform, promote, refer for, or support abortion as a method of family planning.” More than 20 states and nongovernmental organizations challenged the rule in cases filed in Oregon, Washington, and California. Judges in Oregon and Washington blocked the rules from taking effect nationwide. The judge in California issued a statewide injunction.

But a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco called the rules a “reasonable” interpretation of a federal law that prohibits taxpayer-funded health clinics from advocating, encouraging, or promoting abortion.

The panel overturned all three injunctions while the separate cases proceed. According to Politico, all three judges were appointed by Republican presidents.

“Absent a stay, HHS will be forced to allow taxpayer dollars to be spent in a manner that it has concluded violates the law, as well as the Government’s important policy interest in ensuring that taxpayer dollars do not go to fund or subsidize abortions.”
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5 Comments on Appeals Court Lets Trump Administration Partly Defund Abortion Providers as Lawsuits Continue

  1. Roe v. Wade allows the full throttle murder of babies under the banner of “right to privacy”. How in the name of RBG or any other patron saint of Moloch can “public” funds (that would be taxes to you and me) be used to fund something that is to be as private as a patient/doctor relationship?

  2. Let me try to understand this:
    – the original Title X said you couldn’t use the funds for abortion – legal
    – Clinton admin changed that and said the funds could be used for abortions – apparently legal since it went in to effect
    – Trump admin goes back to the original and said the funds couldn’t be used for abortions – the lower courts said this was illegal? Using the same powers available by HHS to make rules?
    My head hurts. Not because the courts are tying themselves in knots, but that a panel from the 9th Circuit actually agreed with the current administration. MAGA and keep those judges coming.


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