Appeals court rules firearms dealers can sell handguns to 18-year-olds – IOTW Report

Appeals court rules firearms dealers can sell handguns to 18-year-olds

NYP: A 53-year-old law preventing federally licensed firearms dealers from selling handguns or handgun ammunition to adults under the age of 21 is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

A divided panel on the Richmond, Va.-based Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a Virginia federal judge’s ruling upholding the federal Gun Control Act of 1968.

“When do constitutional rights vest? At 18 or 21? 16 or 25? Why not 13 or 33?” asked US Circuit Judge Julius Richardson in his ruling. “In the law, a line must sometimes be drawn. But there must be a reason why constitutional rights cannot be enjoyed until a certain age. Our nation’s most cherished constitutional rights vest no later than 18. And the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms is no different.” MORE

13 Comments on Appeals court rules firearms dealers can sell handguns to 18-year-olds

  1. Good.

    Now overturn the REST of the gub control act of 1968.

    And every OTHER gun control act.

    Because NONE of them are about controlling crime.

    ALL of them are about disarming the law-abiding and arrogating a monopoly of force to a corrupt and oppressive government.


  2. A Trump judge wrote the opinion. Thank God for Trump.

    When Biden was bleating about the “sacred right to vote” (which I agree, tge right to vote is sacred and hence the unwashed should be barred) I was screaming “what about the sacred right to bear arms?

    Republicans need to clarify their stance on “sacred rights” by saying to Dems “we agree our rights are sacred, you write the voting bill and know it also applies to buying a gun. If convicted felons can vote then they can buy a gun, if you don’t need ID to vote you don’t need an ID to buy a gun, if you can vote at the age if 18 you can buy a gun, if you can mail in your vote you can mail order a gun.”

    Then when they are left speechless turn to the camera and say “if it’s racist to ask for an ID to vote it us racist to ask for an ID to buy a gun and we all know the Democrat didn’t want blacks to own gun while they were slaves, after the slaves were freed and under Jim Crow. By they own standards they want to disarm law abiding black people. but I digress.

  3. I have an Alien Gear holster. I’m becoming convinced there is no such thing as a comfortable one. It’s not bad. For a slightly overweight guy, IWB isn’t as fun as it was 50 pounds ago.

  4. IWB is a pain in the butt for even a thin person. I’m 6 foot, or I was 20 years ago, and 135 pounds (I lost 10 pounds on a road repair project 2 years ago and have never gained it back).

    A little 5 shot .38 isn’t so bad for IWB, but for the .45 I have to add one of those steel lined belts. And those things are REALLY uncomfortable. Plus, I got away from belts except when wearing jeans… so even a regular belt has become uncomfortable. I wear braces with suits, which I wear in public 99% of the time.

    So, all this bullshit boils down to — I use a shoulder holster when I have no plans for removing my jacket, and I use an IWB when I am going to a restaurant where I would remove my jacket to eat.

    First World Problems HAA!

  5. funny, we allow 16-year old kids control of something much more deadly than guns & think nothing of it

    “The Law is an Ass – an Idiot!” ~ Mr. Bumble ‘Oliver Twist’ by Dickens

  6. I can wear IWB, I just prefer beltless IWB. A 1911 is a bit too heavy for beltless IWB carry. It can be done, but you have to fidget around with the shit from time to time during the day. Which is frankly true of any carry method.

    Even with a shoulder holster I have to push the pistol back every 20 minutes.

    Carrying any gun in any holster is at least slightly uncomfortable. It’s learning to deal with shit and asking other people what they do.

    I really don’t like belts, and I love the idea of steel lined belts… but those steel lined belts hurt.

    The shoulder holster has its own limitations. “Am I printing?”

    “Do I care?”

    Yes, I care. But not too much.

  7. Beltless? No. I’m sorry bud, but if your gonna be a modern day gunslinger you need a bad ass stiff as hell gun belt. Otherwise, hide until it’s over. If you’ve never worn one, you need to. I’m serious a heart attack. Go buy a gun belt.


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