Appeals court stays sentence for pro-Trump memester Douglass Mackey, pending appeal – IOTW Report

Appeals court stays sentence for pro-Trump memester Douglass Mackey, pending appeal

JTN: The United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday stayed the surrender date for Douglass Mackey, a pro-Trump memester convicted of election interference, pending the appeal of his conviction.

Mackey was convicted in March of this year for posting a meme in 2016 that encouraged supporters for then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to cast their vote by text. The offending image included a picture of a woman with a pro-Clinton sign and bore the message “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home. Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925[.] Vote for Hillary and be a part of history.”

He was sentenced to seven months in prison in October, though Monday’s ruling means he will remain free throughout the appeals process. more here

9 Comments on Appeals court stays sentence for pro-Trump memester Douglass Mackey, pending appeal

  1. I think the Appellate Court will side with Mackey on free speech grounds. There is nothing in the meme that indicates that this was an official government announcement or “official” in any way.

    Of larger concern is the fact that government prosecutors are protecting the lowest element of the electorate. One can vote in person, or one can vote by absentee ballot, or you can claim you lost your absentee ballot and cast a provisional ballot, or if you are in a nursing home suffering from dementia, you can have a ballot harvestor fill out your ballot. Democrats in particular have fought tooth and nail to block any I.D. requirements (although an I.D. is pretty much required for anything else), because I guess their constitutents can’t figure out how to get an I.D. My point is that the bar for allowing people to vote is pretty damn low. For the good of this nation, do we really want people fooled by an obvious meme to vote?

  2. Am fondly remembering the 2016 World Series where on the grounds of Wrigley Field in Chicago a couple of fans proudly held up a banner that read “Hillary for Prison”
    Was that a meme,or what? Pete Rose, that old scoundrel was there too! It was a Very Good Year !


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