Apple Employee Claims Internet Meme Triggered PTSD – IOTW Report

Apple Employee Claims Internet Meme Triggered PTSD

Breitbart: An alleged “rape joke” that caused an Apple employee to take a leave of absence due to PTSD and spawned a huge investigation by appears to have been an employee mentioning an Internet meme.

Gizmodo reports that the interoffice chat that caused an employee referred to as “Danielle” to email Apple CEO Tim Cook directly about what she believed to be a “very toxic atmosphere” was a coworker referencing the internet meme referred to as “Bed Intruder” featuring an interview with Antoine Dodson. The meme became popular in 2010 following an interview with Dodson about a breaking and entering in the area where Dodson lived which went viral. His turns of phrase and animated actions made him an instant hit across the internet.


Dodson is best known for saying the lines, “He’s climbin in your windows, he’s snatchin your people up, tryna’ rape em so y’all need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband cuz they’re rapin’ everybody out here.” This was apparently the reference that caused Apple employee identified only as “Danielle” to have a PTSD episode and take a month off work. Below you can see the group conversation with Danielle and her team in which this internet meme was reference.  MORE

9 Comments on Apple Employee Claims Internet Meme Triggered PTSD

  1. I guess He will go into
    a fetal position then go
    fully & permanently catatonic
    when the civil war starts and he sees
    a body on the ground with the entrails
    hang out…

  2. CEO MM responds,

    Dear Danielle

    So sorry you’re not suited to our environment here. Rather then having my people walking on eggshells every time you’re in the vicinity, I believe it’s best we part company.

    Leave your company ID at the desk on your way out.

    Best of luck.

  3. I’d like to see how these excruciatingly sensitive people would fare in a literally completely safe environment: a sensory deprivation tank. Floating in a body-temperature saline bath, with absolute darkness and silence. Then if they freak out – and everybody does fairly soon in there – we have shown them that their bêtes noire are constructs of their own insecurities and not something external imposed on them by the “privileged.”

  4. “I have been the only woman on the [redacted] Team in the [redacted]organization under [redacted].”

    I think I see an easy solution. “Promote” her to a freelance position.

    Like the unemployment line. I mean funployment line.

    Major mistake caving immediately. Empowered and encouraged her to continue on the path of destruction. “Oh look!” I’m suddenly in charge of everyone’s happiness! Now, what else can I do/think of to f**k with everyone?”

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