Apple is too successful, Elizabeth Warren says – IOTW Report

Apple is too successful, Elizabeth Warren says

NBP: Democratic senator, and potential Hillary Clinton running mate, Elizabeth Warren gave a Wednesday speech in Washington lambasting Apple and other big tech companies for the ways they have been able to achieve immense success.

The senator’s main gripe was that “today, in America, competition is dying.” Warren blames it on concentration and consolidation, in which many big businesses are either dominating the market or joining forces in order to do so.

Nevertheless, her opening remarks contained a gleeful, “I love markets!”

While Warren provided examples like the airline industry and health insurance market, her main target was tech, namely Apple, Amazon, and Google. These companies “provide platforms that lots of other companies depend on for survival. But Google, Apple, and Amazon also, in many cases, compete with those same small companies, so that the platform can become a tool to snuff out competition.”

Warren appears to be channeling her inner Roosevelt, striving to apply antitrust laws to show that the only entity more powerful than some of the largest businesses is the government.  MORE

20 Comments on Apple is too successful, Elizabeth Warren says

  1. Warren creates crony socialism and then decries the results of crony socialism calling for even more crony socialism.

    How many car makers were there when Henry Ford invented the assembly line? How many bureaucrats oversaw the auto industry? What government cabinet was created to make laws specifically for autos? How much did the cost of government add to each car made?

  2. How many other companies are successful because of a large company’s success?
    That’s how Capitalism works and it works best with symbiotic relationships with other successful companies contributing to satisfy and advance the marketplace. Success begats success.
    Socialism sucks the resources right out of anything successful because it is a parasitic mentality that requires a host to take advantage of.
    Socialism Sucks, as does anyone who would promote it or the parasites that take advantage of other people’s hard work.

  3. I always love to hear a socialist lecture about how the economy should be managed by the government. Facts don’t get in the way and everything will be better if we control the evil capitalists. Does everyone remember the 10 major successful and profitable companies created by the government? IO didn’t think so. According to obama, hillary and pocohontis, only the government creates things. There is always a willing crowd of morons to follow these people.

  4. Hey, Fauxohontas, how bout “Leave everybody the FUCK alone” and let them do what they want with their own money? You earn it, you spend it. You don’t earn it, you starve. Pretty fuckin simple, huh?
    How bout a gov’t CONSTRAINED by a Constitution? A limited gov’t that serves the people? Huh? How bout that, you gunch?

    Yeah, I know … there’s no Power and Lording it Over the Benighted in that, is there? Can’t control other people’s lives that way, can you? Can’t enrich yourself at others’ expense that way, can you?

    Fuck you … I wonder how long we’re going to tolerate you … and your ilk …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Actually, her Cherokee name is “Farting Buffalo”. It was given her by the Cherokee nation when they found out she was using them to scam her way into a job…

  6. Fuck you, Lizzie! Let’s say x is your level of intelligence, which has allowed to to acquire y in wealth.

    I bet Steve Jobs’s x is several million times yours, and his wealth is commensurately larger by about that same degree, because HE WAS A GENIUS AND YOUR’RE A FOOKIN’ MORON.

  7. Tim – So long as we have the world’s largest collection of worthless, federal tit-sucking, free-shit-grabbing, no morals, barely aware, bastard-ass, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-ass, uninformed, short attention span, Obamaphone-carrying parasites who refuse to buy a belt and can’t process a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that doesn´t rhyme, there will always be disingenuous, Piece-Of-Shit politicians like Warren who will take advantage of them along with a bunch of dumbed-down, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, Rainbow Plantation, Diversity-loving, kumbaya-singing, bobble-headed Socialist Liberal Lemmings in lock-step with Stupid, who will blindly follow!

  8. I am sick of her. Her Indian name should be Running Sore,
    Her voice grates on the senses like unpleasant company.
    She sounds like a Kindergarten Teacher who has become enraged by something and cannot marshal her forces enough to speak clearly.
    She’s a fraud and if Natural Selection affected asshole politicians, she would be the cave dweller who got killed trying to castigate a bear for trespass.

  9. Step 1) Create system where the more lawyers you can hire, the less government intervention costs you

    Step 2) Marxist Magic

    Step 3) Profit!


    (please clap)

  10. She a Demoncrat and she really wants the hundreds of billions dollars Apple won’t repatriate due to the high corporate taxes in the US. Trump can’t come soon enough.

  11. Too successful? No competition? Have you been able to look in the mirror lately without it shattering?

    You, who used your faux affirmative action to land a college professorship, teaching ONE CLASS, and being paid near half-a-mill, plus perks.

    I have a new name for you, an arabic name, “Fa’keem”. Bitch.

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