Apple Sued Over AirPods After AMBER Alert Ruptured Child’s Eardrums – IOTW Report

Apple Sued Over AirPods After AMBER Alert Ruptured Child’s Eardrums

Patriot 1150:

Apple Inc. is currently facing a lawsuit filed by the parents of a teenager whose eardrums were reportedly ruptured due to an AMBER Alert that went off while he was using his AirPods and iPhone.

The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday (May 16) and shared by, identifies the teen as “B.G.,” a resident of San Antonio, and states that the then-12-year-old “was watching Netflix on his iPhone connected to the AirPods at a low volume when an AMBER Alert went off suddenly, and without warning, at a volume that tore apart B.G.’s ear drum, damaged his cochlea, and caused significant injuries to B.G.’s hearing.”

The lawsuit accused Apple of producing “defective” AirPods that didn’t automatically reduce volume during alerts or equalize notification and alert volumes, which led to the hearing damage. more

4 Comments on Apple Sued Over AirPods After AMBER Alert Ruptured Child’s Eardrums

  1. I wonder if the “people in charge” are messing with the alert system. The last “test” that came over the TV was the loudest I’ve ever heard. I mean the freaking neighbors could have heard it. It’s never been that loud before.

  2. Amber alerts seem a waste of time.
    The nearest one I ever had was in town, where I never go, so why do I need to know about it?
    They sure as fuck wake me up at 3 AM though.

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