April Ryan Accuses The White House Of Trying To Destroy Her – IOTW Report

April Ryan Accuses The White House Of Trying To Destroy Her

DC: CNN political analyst April Ryan accused the White House of being racist and claimed they are trying to destroy her career in journalism.

Ryan claimed in an interview with Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah on Wednesday night that the Trump administration is tougher on her because of her race.

“Do you think that maybe some of their retaliatory feeling toward you is that it feels like you are doing something that’s oppositional because you’re a black woman?” Noah asked.

“If you can taste it, smell it, touch it, it is what it is,” Ryan responded, earning applause from the crowd.

Ryan, a White House correspondent for the American Urban Radio Networks, also accused the White House of deliberately trying to destroy her career.

“I have asked questions from Bill Clinton to now and I think I am an equal opportunity offender,” Ryan declared. “I ask questions for answers and for truth and this administration … they’ve taken it to another degree.”

“In what way?” Noah pressed.

“Trying to discredit me. Trying to kill my career. Trying to make me look as if I’m someone I am not,” she replied. “I am a journalist, I am not an activist journalist.”  MORE

23 Comments on April Ryan Accuses The White House Of Trying To Destroy Her

  1. Because she’s black she got an affirmative action education. Because she’s black she got an affirmative action “token” job.
    Seems to me her race has served her well.

  2. Question: Do you hate Donald Trump?
    Answer: I hate him with every fiber of my being.
    Question: Do you want to see Donald Trump removed from office?
    Answer: I would frog march that SOB out of there so fast your head
    would spin.
    Question: Maybe that’s why the administration doesn’t like you in
    Answer: Racist.

    That’s how a real interview would go.

  3. “If you can taste it, smell it, touch it, it is what it is,”

    I have no idea what that even means. Is Trump having fried chicken and watermelon delivered to her door? She sounds hungry.

  4. Wasn’t this the cunt asking Baltimore’s “give them room to destroy” ex-mayor to help assault Sarah Sanders for saying “you don’t know me?”

    Pick your weave up off the floor, girlfriend.

    Should have revoked her credentials on the spot.


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