April Ryan angry that Trump is an equal opportunity insulter – IOTW Report

April Ryan angry that Trump is an equal opportunity insulter

Patriot Retort: Has there ever been a President who is more of an equal opportunity guy than Donald Trump?

He doesn’t care if you’re white, black, brown, male, female – he treats everybody the same.

And, see, that’s a problem for the Identity Politics grievance mongers on the Left.

Case in point, former jazz DJ, CNN contributor and White House correspondent April Ryan.

You see, April Ryan is mad.

She’s super-duper mad because President Trump is as rough on her as he is everybody else.

So she’s taken to the Washington Post to complain about it.

Apparently April believes the only reason Trump “loves insulting” her is because she’s a black woman.

Noted black woman Jim Acosta has yet to weigh in.

Given April’s position here, Mika Brzezinski must be a black woman.  MORE

6 Comments on April Ryan angry that Trump is an equal opportunity insulter

  1. Like Acosta, her questions are activist in nature and are designed to elicit a response that creates controversy, which is in turn used to get her airtime on CNN or MSNBC. She is in no way a deep thinker, and one of the only reasons she gets airtime is because she is a race-baiting, black activist. If she was White, she would just be another low-level Joy Behar, but not as sharp. She loves playing the martyr with her buddy Jim because it validates her and brings in the $$$$$$$$$.

  2. It was either Mr. Pinko or Mr. Mike who labeled her April Whine on last evening’s radio show. Sooo fitting!
    Now get back to the kitchen and make some sandwiches, whiner.
    And don’t forget the beer, while you’re up and about.

  3. I’m sick of this BS. Apparently half of the country falls for it.

    America can be great again when the race, gender hustlers are laughed off the air.

    I like the way Trump doesn’t GAF

  4. She says WAY WORSE things about PRESIDENT Trump all the time on CNN. What’s he supposed to say about her? I laughed my ass off when I watched him say that. LMAO!!!

    What a binty scrunt!


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