AP’s Matt Lee Exposes State Department’s Anti-Israel Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

AP’s Matt Lee Exposes State Department’s Anti-Israel Hypocrisy

hospital bombing

TheLid:After an 2014 Israeli strike in Gaza which accidentally killed ten people the State Department lashed out at Israel saying, “The suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians.” This past weekend American planes on a mission to bomb the enemy in Afghanistan accidentally hit a doctors without borders hospital killing 22 people.

Matt Lee of the AP and IMHO the best reporter on the State Dept. beat, asked a simple question. Does the bombing mission in Afghanistan represent a change in policy from what State had admonished Israel about the year before? more here

4 Comments on AP’s Matt Lee Exposes State Department’s Anti-Israel Hypocrisy

  1. B. Hussein Obama doesn’t yet know about the airstrike he is in the shower after his golf game and hasn’t had time to learn the news. After his toilette is done and Vice President ‘Crazy’ Biden has read to him selected tidbits from the newspaper I am sure we will have a comment. But until then our righteous anger at Isreal still stands!

  2. I’m still suspicious that Al Quida/Hamas/jihadists/etc were using the hospital as a shelter to launch rockets and attacks from. Same as what was happening in Israel, why “civilian” neighborhoods and schools were attacked by the IDF.
    Wouldn’t be the first time, and it won’t be the last time that those muzzie cowards hide behind women’s skirts to wage jihad against the Great Satan, the Little Satan, Christians, and everybody else they disagree with. Sheesh! What a bunch of disagreeable bastards!

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