Archbishop Vigano Calls For Action – IOTW Report

Archbishop Vigano Calls For Action

“If the attack is global, the defense must also be global.”


On these pages we have, for months, worked to inform and warn all Americans, and anyone who will listen, that the world is under attack. It is not by aliens, it is not by any single or group of foreign governments. The world is under siege by an anti-God, globalist alliance of public and private institutions, foreign leaders, bankers, politicians and religious leaders. This is spiritual warfare, against an evil conspiracy without equal in human history. It will affect almost every living person on this planet with the potential to kill billions.

Free humanity from the dark forces of globalism

On Wednesday, November 17, 2021, Archbishop Vigano of the Roman Catholic Church called on all people of faith and of good will to unite in a worldwide effort to confront this globalist alliance, to unite against an emerging world totalitarian regime, to “free humanity from the dark forces of globalism.”

There are some who will stop reading here thinking this is all nonsense, because it is beyond their experience to understand or contemplate. The forces at work are counting on that.

This globalist push is a drive for global governance, international collectivism. It is a global ideological movement, a blend of international commu/fascism…no more capitalism as we know it, no more owning property, or the natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, self-determination, or even self-defense. It will be a modern feudal system with only two classes, the haves and have-nots. We give up everything, the neo-nobility gives up nothing.

This cabal, this criminal organization no longer believes we can be trusted to make our own decisions, that we have destroyed and abused our environment and can no longer be bestowed with its care. And yet it is those that take it upon themselves to lord over us that have done the very thing they claim to hate. more

22 Comments on Archbishop Vigano Calls For Action

  1. I have one question that NO ONE seems to have asked:


    The the very least a few things have happened that I see.
    People not dating or socializing
    people becoming very impersonal & “cold”
    bars, restaurants, concerts, movies all closed while people self isolate
    Coupled with some Covid deaths, is this attempt a population control working?

  2. @Kcir

    Add these to your list;

    Record number of suicides, drug overdoses and drug addictions.
    Along with unemployment, lack of will to be employed and self isolation, feelings of apathy, depression, worthlessness are rampant.
    And, with all the nonsense promulgated about the need for big government to keep us all safe, a distinct shift has taken place. Where before, the individual was responsible for his own agency and well being, now all that is subjugated to the will of the collective. Pretty frightening stuff.

  3. @Kcir – Gain of Function Biological CCP Weapon: It’s a concerted effort to alienate families. I can’t tell you have many children have told their parents that they aren’t going to spend any holidays or any time with their grandchildren unless they get the jab. I have a friend who can’t get over the fact that her children would treat her like that. I told her to get a lawyer yesterday, and rework her will and trust. Let the children know that if they aren’t good enough to see their grandchildren, they aren’t good enough for any of her money when she passes. That’s how I roll and my children know that. I don’t have any grandchildren (thankful for that), but the same holds true for my children. Plenty of worthy charities to leave it to, SPCA for one, or PAWS. Better off leaving it to animals than a human animal. /just saying

  4. One World Order by definition requires the homogenization of all cultures, all beliefs, all accepted norms to be blended into one manageable lexicon under one central dictate. Independent thought will not be tolerated. Religion is an expression of worship to a higher order. That also will be viewed as a threat to the central dictate and will not be tolerated. This wont happen over night if it happens at all. “IF” is not a guarantee either.

  5. @mickey moussaoui: What society in world history has that scenario played out and worked? None. Many have tried but failed miserably and took their society down with them. It gets built back up, memories are short, and the history is repeated. Power is the ultimate destroyer of societies.

  6. 2021, Archbishop Vigano of the Roman Catholic Church called on all people of faith and of good will to unite in a worldwide effort to confront this globalist alliance, to unite against an emerging world totalitarian regime, to “free humanity from the dark forces of globalism.”

    I’ve been saying this for 10 years. The same people who are talking about this now are the same people who called you a tinfoil hat wearing looney when you spoke about this year‘s ago. Now that it’s too late, and the noose is securely tightened around our throats they want to do something. Sorry, it’s too late.

    I agree with sentiment but the problem with this guy’s statement is that the Catholic Church is very much a part of this evil cabal if not at the very center of it. He will be reprimanded most likely sent off to a missionary position in headhunting Borneo.

    Prepare yourself for the coming tribulation. Christians are going to go through the tribulation, there is no escape. The rapture, or the gathering of his people does not happen until after the tribulation. What was written in the Bible is all coming true. His kingdom is at hand, repent and believe. He’s coming again to judge the living and the dead. Bless His name.

  7. The “Church” started out humble and slowly turned into a elitist, dick-tater class over the century’s (not unlike the left today). It has been slowly beaten back into a semi-humble organization. But still tied to money and power. The actual local churches seem to function on an honest level but the political upper echelon are still as power-hungry as ever.

    H/T; Howard Wolowitz

  8. This plandemic has turned half way normal insane.

    My ex-brother-in-law, who has always been a democrat, but he at least once wasn’t scared of his own shadow. Pre-death jab he holed up in his house and wouldn’t let anyone in his house as they might give him covid. He wouldn’t walk out in his yard without a mask.
    Post death jab, he wouldn’t allow anyone in his house who weren’t jabbed. I don’t talk to him or my sister anymore(they’re divorced but still live together), but learned from another family member yesterday now he doesn’t allow anyone in his house who is jabbed and has been around anyone who isn’t jabbed.

    Since his jabs, his heart condition has gotten worse, he can hardly breathe, his bp medicine no longer keeps his bp down. He has developed skin cancer that showed up overnight and grew to a huge size within a week. They removed it, now he has others that have came up that he has to have removed. He had to have a blood clot removed.
    My sister has been constantly sick, now she who has always had low bp, has high bp, she was put on bp medicine as well, but it’s not working.

    They the same as me know how many of our family members have died after getting the shot, but they bury their head in the sand and say it had nothing to do with them dying. They can’t see that it’s a heck of a coincidence there medical issues started after the jabs and went into overdrive after the booster. They instead are scared of those who haven’t been jabbed.
    They’re even forcing their kids/grandkids to get the jab if they want to see them.
    Through a family member I passed on the protocol for those who have been jabbed that might help them, but was told they said they weren’t taking any witch doctor medicine or animal medicine.

    So far none of them have allowed the younger kids to get jabbed, hopefully that continues.

  9. Burner, Anymouse, and others who may not have been following the intrigue:

    It was Archbishop Vigano who called out the Vatican’s lies in the fall of 2018 and called on the Pope to resign. Obviously, he hasn’t but it was Vigano’s open letter than forced him to remove Cardinal McCarrick not only from the his office but from the priesthood.

    Vigano is an 80 year old retired archbishop who has managed to piss off the Pope, the LGBTQ crowd, and the Italian government. I’d say that’s a pretty accomplished guy.

    Years ago, he tried to investigate the Vatican finances but then the Pope transferred him. Now, the Italian government has charged him with mismanaging family funds. Coincidence? Ask Cardinal Pell what he thinks about that.

    I’ve been reading a lot about Vigano recently and most of it is pretty extreme. He is either revered as the lone voice of righteousness in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church or dismissed as a nut. I think he’s a careerist / true believer who tried to work within the system but is now anticipating the final job performance review by the Big Boss and wants to get it right. I think he has nothing left to lose and a lot to say.

  10. Little Morphin’ Annie You are correct. read his open letter to president Trump after the election as well as his letter about the “DEEP CHURCH”. Vigano may well be the last true and faithful Bishop in the church.

  11. A more workable solution has to start at the grass roots level, more localized where individual citizens who value freedom get their own house in order, demanding that their own country honor and respect civil liberties.

    Expecting separate nations to band together to fight this “Globalist Alliance” is not realistic, mainly because they would have to acknowledge its existence. USA, at one point was the freest most self determined guarantor of human rights of it’s citizens anywhere. Now it is the head of the spear in this anti-capitalist coercive totalitarian cabal he is warning us against.

  12. I am cautiously optimistic. I see too many signs that the NWO does not have as much support as it thinks it has. They are believing their own PR.

    Unfortunately it may takes a Bloody Sunday as Russia experienced in 1905. Look at the protests in Australia. While the government seems to double down, the protests get larger and larger. Government is bound to crack down harshly in an attempt to prevent a coup, and that will all but guarantee one.

  13. I think that you may be unclear as to what the goals of the global elite are. These people are obsessed with three things. The consolidation of wealth and power, anthropomorphic global warming, and population control.

    They are going to try to depopulate the planet by 75%

  14. Old Racist White Woman NOVEMBER 21, 2021 AT 12:11 PM

    Simliar experiences…

    Listing one: Doesn’t feel well and goes to ER. Admit and find inoperable brain tumor that then doubles in size in a week. Sent home on hospice. Dead. Sweetest guy in the world that wouldn’t hurt a fly and I could think of any number that we would be better served if they passed. So very very sad what’s happening…

    Personally now know more dead from the jab than dead from covid.

    Mr. Clemens credited with saying “It’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled.” Nobody wants to think they’re responsible for their own demise or horrendous health issues.

  15. Satan worship? Infant sacrifice? Homosexuality, pedophilia, and trannys?

    Yeah. It all sounds icky.

    And I’ll be happy to shtruggle against it. As long as I can shtruggle legally. According the the Homopedotrannys and baby killers.

    And continue to be honored to pay my taxes. To the righteous Homopedotrannys and baby killers.

    And don’t have to put my shoes on. Nor even roll off the couch.

    I’m Judeo-Christian. Doing G-d’s work is who I am.

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