Archbishop Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedom – IOTW Report

Archbishop Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedom

His Excellency has written another open letter to President Trump about the ‘global conspiracy against God and humanity.’ ‘It is you, dear President, who are ‘the one who opposes’ the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness,’ His Excellency writes. ‘Place your trust in the Lord.’

h/t PJ

40 Comments on Archbishop Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedom

  1. The 4th Turning is real and it’s happening. Right now. These people are evil beyond belief. The death of BILLIONS is their agenda.

    It’s so unreal and sick, it’s hard to believe. I’m very impressed by this political/religious melding. Very. This man is a remarkable counter weight to the Pope who is WAAAY off the rails.

    Trust in the Lord, yes, and keep your weapons close. NEVER allow yourself to be disarmed.

  2. I just want to make sure everyone is familiar with the Georgia Guidestones. It is such a shame that so many of the replacement generation have had moral norms corrupted. All to fit in to the despicable motives of the dark-hearted ones. Think “Hillary”.

  3. I just woke up and if it were yesterday it would be 4:10 AM but it’s 3:10 now because of the time change. I just had a prophetic dream where I saw that Gods hand is still on America and that he will prevail and that President Trump will be reelected on Tuesday in a massive landslide that the democrats can not predict and will not win. They will be hoisted on their own petard because of their hubris and their arrogance of thinking that they are gods but are not and will be the ones who will be led to the slaughter just like Haman when he built a gallows to destroy the Jews during the time of Esther. President Trump is also like Nehemiah who rebuilt the walls surrounding Jerusalem during the time of Nebucadnezzar with a trowel in one hand to rebuild the walls and a weapon (a gun, paraphrasing TS Eliot in his epic poem poem Choruses from The Rock) in the other hand to protect not only himself but all those who were rebuilding the walls. Do not worry or fear for God and his legions of Angels are on our side and have heard the prayers of the American people as well as many others from all over the World and is about set to do battle against the enemy who wishes to destroy America and it ‘s Godly and constitutional foundations. There are far more on our side than on the side of democrats/socialists/communists. The democrats think they can win but have already lost by their massive overstepping and lying with their every word over the past 50 _years since prayer was kicked out of the public square in the early 60’s by Madeline Murrary O’hare and Roe v Wade was passed in January 1973 by the Supreme Court. The nomination and confirmation of Amy Coney Barret to the Supreme Court (because RBG so vigorously and arrogantly tried to hold onto her seat as a SC justice and failed and died while in office while Trump was President) last Monday was one of the first signs of God’s faithfulness to America and it Constitutional rule of law. I am more than confident now of a Trump victory on Tuesday. God will not be mocked and he and the prayers of the faithful American people will prevail and we will see America reborn and reformed for at least a generation or more because of his faithfulness to his people in America and around the World. God is not done with America yet, Hallelujah, praise God. President Trump as well of us deplorables and whatever Biden called us last week were all born for such a time as this. The best is yet to come America, stand by and watch as God defeats all of his godless enemies resoundingly and give thanks to God and praise him for our salvation as a nation, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Miracles that we can’t explain are about to happen America all to us and our progenys benefit. Thank you God!

  4. I’ve been watching a ton of videos lately about spiritual warfare, especially from a Catholic point of view. Some very interesting insight I have not been exposed to before. Those priests know how to fight!

  5. geoff the aardvark,
    Why did the Jews have to worry about Haman?
    Why were the Jews re-building the walls of Jerusalem?
    God and His Legions of Angels do surely care about us, but it is We, the People of the United States, who have put us into this position. The SCROTUS does NOT operate in a vacuum – they cannot “pass” anything – they can only abuse their positions with our concurrence. Prayer in Schools was not “taken” from us – we allowed the lies of the Great Liar to convince us that prayer (to God) was baneful. The prayers of the Moon Cult to Satan are still “allowed” in our schools, are they not?
    Not implying that you’re wrong – in fact, I would enjoy the Legions of Angels wreaking havoc upon the enemies of God – but we have made this stew and I have a sneaking suspicion that we’re going to simmer in our own juices for a while.

    Hope everything turns up roses!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I guess that I’m more of an optimist. We have all screwed up and my generation the dumbass baby boomers are largely to blame for being indoctrinated by the public school system back in the 50’s and 60’s and not knowing it and then rebelling against conformity and the status quo not knowing or blinded to it by popular culture etc. and that we were sowing the seeds of our own destruction. I am just as guilty as anyone else before I was saved from participating in that crap back then.

  7. Woke this morning with the burden of how can those among us believe against basic humanity i,e, abortion – 40 percent of all black babies don’t get born and around 10-15% of whites, rampant drug use and the legalization of marijuana as if our society with it’s focus on cancel culture wasn’t bad enough, antifa violence, destruction of our beautiful landmarks/monuments, our history, and the endless lies perpetuated by the msm to the glory of one political party – only an organized and pervasive evil can explain it.

    How can Pelosi, Schiff, Biden (s), Harris, Clinton, Obama, Schumer get up in the morning and look in the mirror and say “It’s all good?” without some extreme mental illness or delusion pushing and backing them?

    Thanks to people like this Archbishop do get it right and pass it on. I needed this to go on. Thanks for the post. I too have had some dreams about Nov. 4 and as Warren Zevon sang the will be:

  8. “The blackmailable nature of Joe Biden – just like that of the prelates of the Vatican’s “magic circle” – will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers to interfere in both domestic politics as well as international balances. It is obvious that those who manipulate him already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will replace him as soon as the opportunity arises.”

    BOOM! This part of the letter is spot-on. I’ve witnessed many people over the past few weeks who have realized this fact. My best friend (a liberal who lives in Kansas) called me this week and said exactly what the letter above stated. He said “Trump always called the media ‘fake’ and it turned me away, but I cannot deny how the media is now operating, in unison, to bury every advancement the President is making for our benefit.” By the way – he cast his vote for Trump.

    I hope a lot more people allow the scales from their eyes to fall by Tuesday.

  9. I always thought God’s people of yore were completely nuts to turn away from God time after time. In the face of repeated, historical, consequences, they never failed to eventually end up at square one; making their “own way” and then over the cliff they go. Read Isiah; they did — as Tim wonders, above — “stew in their own juices”. Finally when they were driven to renting their clothes and covering themselves in sack cloth and ashes, pressing their faces to the ground and crying out in desperation, God would grant them another round of mercy and grace through, often, unlikely means and people. I’d read that book and always come away with a sense of bafflement at why they always seemed to “forget.”

    Well, it seems we are still stuck in Isiah; forgetting, suffering for it, and in need of sack cloth, ashes and a firm piece of ground on which to prostrate ourselves.

    I’ve always thought it would be amazing to live through the Rapture, but I never thought I’d be living through another turning of Isiah. I guess I was fooled into thinking that “modern” humanity had learned those lessons. Even today’s Christians — maybe epecially today’s Christians — need to “check our privilege” and reexamine our relationship with Jesus. Each of us, individually, need to get ourselves scrupulously clean and sober, spiritually, in order to fight the darkness and be counted among the saints of battle.

    God bless us all and don’t give up.

  10. @FarmWife

    I agree with you, but 1st Corinthians provides the answer:

    “​But the ​​​natural man​ ​​​receiveth​ not the things of the ​​​Spirit​ of God: for they are ​​​foolishness​ unto him: neither can he ​​​know​ ​them,​ because they are ​​​spiritually​ ​​​discerned​.” (2:14)

    We cannot expect those who deny the power of God to discern His will. It is tantamount to having someone explain what salt tastes like to one who refuses to try salt for himself. It requires a broken heart and contrite spirit, two things that are not possessed by those who follow the ways of the world.

  11. @Nufftin, how bout showing people the answer thru Romans, that’ll tell them what they have to do to get saved. But Revelations tells us what’s going to happen to our world in the end, and who’s going to be in heaven.

  12. @Farm Wife — And that’s the big problem with the church in America right now. Everyone is being told to read Revelation and just wait to get Raptured outta here. We are being intentionally mislead by our so-called spiritual leaders (the same ones who now preach that Christianity is “therapy” and liken Almighty Christ to a socialist do-gooder who had a soft spot for the homeless and free healthcare and universal EBT cards).

    The New Covenant, however, beginning with Matthew, does not exhort us to just get saved and wait for the events of Revelation. We are told to be disciples of nations and to be the salt and light of the world. I like the way Wallnau makes the distinction: the idea is not “come ye”, it is “go ye.” Christ said, “Go ye” out into the world. We are to make a difference in this world, not hide out in our churches and among ourselves while the world burns.

  13. geoff the aardvark, I have been praying for our nation for over 6 years. My main plea is that God open the hearts and eyes of every Christian in this nation to the need to get on our knees. We must repent, ask God for forgiveness for allowing Satan’s evil to flourish. We must ask for his mercy and justice to allow us to bring him back into our society. And after we pray, we MUST work to bring him back into our lives.

    I do pray that everything you wrote will come to pass. God has done it many times with Israel, I pray that he will show us the same mercy. Thank you, God.

  14. AA, I agree whole heartedly. I never understood all the Rapture malarkey back in the 70′ when The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsay was all rage in Christian circles which scared more people into becoming Christians only to fall away when things got tough. I hate all the Left Behind books and most contemporary Christian literature and fiction because they are shallow and dumbly written and only encourage so called Christians to be Gods people using the worlds standards. I prefer to see the world thru the reality of all that god crated including the writings of great Christian authors like CS Lewis, Tolkien, GK Chesterton etc.

  15. It’s bad. You don’t have to look very hard today to find at least two or three mainline churches in your berg who have “BLM” banners or a commie message on their reader board, ABOVE their church services info. I know at least two primary churches — one in Seattle and one, in all places, the small town of Walla Walla — that are led by “proud” lesbians, who use their church pulpits to preach the gospel of Social Justice, Climate Change, and other commie garbage.

    If Bible-educated and believing Christians aren’t out there telling people the truth about Jesus Christ, guess where they are getting their information. It’s exactly like the state of America’s schools. It isn’t just POTUS Trump who was born and chosen for a time such as this. If we’re faithful Christians operating from sound Biblical teaching, so were we.

  16. “I just had a prophetic dream where I saw that Gods hand is still on America and that he will prevail and that President Trump will be reelected on Tuesday in a massive landslide … ”

    The proof, the truth, of a prophecy is it’s fulfillment.

    I’ve had those “prophetic” dreams in the past and they never happened in real life, leading me to conclude they were no more than my wishful thinking manifesting itself as a dream to alleviate my apprehensions, fears, expectations and such.

    I’ve never known anyone else’s to come true either, no different than my own.

    In three days we’ll be learning if you’re a true prophet or just another like myself and those I know.

    But regardless of any magical insight, I fully expect massive violence to break out and be the true ruler of our land no matter who wins and who loses.

    Si vis pacem, para bellum.

    Every bit as important today as when it was first said, and more reliable advice than anything in a dream.

  17. Anonymous — My prophetic dream occurred in mid-August, 2016. It wasn’t a mere dream. Heaven revealed to me the joyous “marriage” between Donald John Trump and America; bridegroom and bride, overseen by God. Since that day I have never worried about God’s plans for Trump. And since that day we have all witnessed the miracles of Trump’s success in the face of the most fierce enemies of any presidency. 95% negative media coverage and his numbers continue to grow on all fronts, from GDP to black and hispanic support, to him beating ChinaVirus only a couple weeks ago — and putting in 14 campaign rallies in, in 3 days’ time, looking healthier and younger than he did 4 years ago!

    There are contemporary prophets and ordinary people experiencing prophetic events.

  18. The best part of waking up every day is knowing that God’s Will is being carried out each and every day – no matter how dismal and dank the day appears if you look around the edges God is still working and bringing His Unhanging Word to a lost and semi-desolate world screaming for HIS LOVE and PERFECT JUSTICE.

    Churches were meant for places to worship God, be instructed in the Word, and shared resources to go out into the world to share and evangelize. Instead churches have become tools for status, social justice, and even political power grabbing/wielding.

    Friends the “rapture” (harpazo) will happen and the most important thing to know about it is that you are ready for it. Jesus will return in/when his time comes. Until then we are to watch, wait, and build His following as much as possible.

    The book of Revelation requires careful study yet most of it is literal with our difficulty understanding it because of the writer’s perspective of explaining the future using first century words and concepts. It can be a distraction. Trust God and Trust Jesus to get it right and to get you to Heaven.

    These next few days will be hard to get through (especially if the majority of America flushes our beloved republic down the toilet) but will not deter God from working out His Will…as the oft repeated phrase goes that Mother Theresa often said God trusts us with too much difficulty.

    God Loves you, Jesus loves you, and buck up – Donald Trump was meant for times like these.

  19. “The best part of waking up every day is knowing that God’s Will is being carried out each and every day …. ”

    God’s will is always carried out, but he gave man free will when it comes to how it is carried out.

    A few years back God’s will brought an end to the diaspora, reformed the territorial nation of Israel and called the Jews home to it.

    It was done.

    Man decided the method for accomplishing it.

    Man, left to his own devices, rarely makes good choices when he is tasked to fulfill the will of God.

    But we, if we are Christians, can take comfort in the knowledge that God’s will is going to be done no matter how it looks at any given time in history. All things eventually, finally, work together for the good of those who love God and his plan, and and who are called to serve his purpose.

  20. AA and JDHasty, Marcus Whitman who singlehandedly saved the Oregon territory from the British in the early 1840’s wouldn’t even recognize Walla Walla these days. Walla Walla is a beautiful small town but its politics and especially that of Whitman College sucks.

  21. Just to clear things up. There are at least three Bible readings and a Psalm at every Mass. If one were to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist every day, you would read the entire bible over the course of three years. That is the complete Bible, not the edited and abridged version that protestants use.

  22. @Frank Bass — And if you enroll in any Bible Study Fellowship or Community Bible Study, you can study the Bible in-depth, in seven years. Daily reading and questions guide, weekly small group discussion and lecture — as well as prayer, praise and singing. Nine months out of the year w/time off for summer when the kids are out of school. Any denomination or no denomination.

    Protestants don’t read an edited, abridged version of the Bible.

  23. Mr. Frank Bass – you get what’s called the Lectionary readings only – it’s not the full Bible. You get what the Catholic church thought people ought to hear back in 02 that’s 402AD. Look it up.


  24. Hans, Every word of Old and New Testament is read through each three year cycle. Including the seven Old Testament books that Luther tore out and the New Testament passages that he edited.

  25. “Protestants don’t read an edited, abridged version of the Bible.”

    EVERYBODY reads an edited, abridged version of the Bible, unless you’re skilled in Hebrew and Greek with a smattering of Aramaic.

    During the 1300s the Church Fathers were finding fault with St. Jerome!

    Don’t mean to be nit-picky but what we read has been translated and sifted for roughly 2000 years (NT) and 5000 years (OT).

    izlamo delenda est …


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