California Globe: The 15-minute city (FMC) – a neat idea, a new way to control the populace, a trendy blip in the public planning industry, a long-term insidious scheme – all, some, or none of these?
One thing is true, a thing that makes millions of people very nervous – you cannot criticize the idea without being called a conspiracy theorist, a misinformation spreader, or – that most dastardly of person – a denier.
If you have questions about the concept, here is what you are already being called: and
As with the gas stove “debate,” any questioning of the latest coolest way to re-organize society is a sign of madness. This haughty reality-shifting attitude somehow pervades the elites despite the deserved devastation of the public’s trust in its institutions in the wake of the pandemic, the response to which involved lies, half-truths, spin, lies, mistakes, lies, the threat of force, lies, the threat of unemployment, the ordered home confinement, the mass destruction of small businesses, and lies.
All of that should be a bit of a tip-off as to the true intentions of the supporters of the idea, but, that being said, let’s discuss the basics.
The idea essentially is to re-invent the neighborhood idea by trying to ensure that pretty much all of the goods and services a person could ever want are readily available nearby. Jobs, schools, doctors, and cultural activities are also meant to be easily accessible. To get to the “15 minute” part, the area would be (based on typical walking speeds) about a square mile or so. MORE
I am a Denier because I have the right to do so!
In the land of the free and the home of the brave, everyone should be! Science should be challenged, especially today’s “science”!
You have ZERO right to shove your agenda, beliefs or customs down my throat!
If you can’t question the science, it’s not science, it’s religion.
Toss out an idea and let consumers accept or reject: competitive free market capitalism. Government mandate? Uh yeah, that would be communism.
Any half-baked plan from the Left usually had an ulterior motive of power and control.
If an idea is a good one, people will embrace it. buy it and support it, but the Left doesn’t think that way. They have to legislate their ideas and force people to accept them. A good example is Electric Vehicles. Normal marketing practice says that you first identify a market and a market need, then develop a product that fulfills that need. With the EV they’ve made the product first, then went out and created the market for it with propaganda and laws. Totally Ass-Backwards… then have the audacity to say we can’t question it!
Well hand me the phone cuz I’m gonna call BULLSHIT on that one all day!
The idea essentially is to re-invent the neighborhood idea by trying to ensure that pretty much all of the goods and services a person could ever want are readily available nearby.
Over a half a century ago they called that a Commune… and we all saw how well those worked out!
We had those until the 1970s. growing up I recall numerous mom and pop grocery stores, lumber yard, butcher, barber, hospital etc literally blocks away from my home. But those spring up largely out of necessity, not a plan for control.
But these are Concentration Camps to ultimately take away the last of your freedom. Your travel outside will be monitored , limited and taxed. Better sell you motor home now. See the UK and EU plans. And don’t forget that monstrous one in Saudi Arabia.
I especially like the part about needing permission to cross into a different sector and a yuge fine for traveling “too” far.
Perfect concept for Commies like my 30 yr old niece and her woke sister.
I analyze 15 Minute Cities and Smart Cities in the the context of principles that have proven to be accurate over time. These are:
I don’t trust government, and by extension organizations like FaceBook that are quasi-government entities. They may have good intentions to start, but eventually end up controlled by incompetent and/or evil people. (Hello Joe Biden or whomever is controlling him).
Citizens should be allowed to vote with their feet. Newsome needs a way to force productive Californians to stay in California – liberal policies are failing and people are leaving. In my view, mobility is more important than the ballot box.
People who style themselves as city planners (I have worked with many of them) typically get things wrong because they don’t take human nature into account. FMCs will not be homogenous; some will be more dangerous than others, the providers of basic services may not chose to live in a particular FMC, and FMCs will almost certainly be governed by the type of people who now govern homeowner associations. City planners envision FMCs as heaven; they are more like to devolve into hell.
The “elite” will never integrate with the rest of us. This will result in a class tier system which will be enforced by the government.
Eventually, FMCs and smart cities will be government at the barrel of a government gun. Governments do not readily admit that policies have failed, and will use force to make sure those policies stay in effect.
Applying these principles, FMCs and smart cities are far more likely to fail, and fail catastrophically, than free choice.
My idea of a 15-minute city is one with wide, smooth streets, very few stop lights, lots of filling stations, and no speed limits.
Used to live in one back in the 60’s. There was a grocery with a butcher about every half mile. Your doctor and dentist had a small office in your neighborhood and there were party (alcohol) stores and service stations in every neighborhood. Main retailers were all located downtown for other needs.
Suburban sprawl killed it with mega malls and big box retailers.
Talk about limiting… Us serfs would have to choose work within your assigned zone or work remotely. Businesses would have to maintain thousands of smaller buildings to handle work that cannot be done renotely or by full automation.
Just like a submersible that we all know about, FMC’s are being designed on paper by ‘elites’ without consideration of the reality of the medium (carbon fiber / people)
The best city sucks.
Fuck cities. Fuck city dwellers. Freedom – choice – independence.
“15 Minute City” is just another word for “Concentration Camp.”
They are fooling no one but the easily-fooled maggots who support their imbecilities already.
Cities formed because of the fears and terrors of isolation – bears, wolves, bad men, invasion, wars, lack of trade, lack of mutual defense, &c.
Now cities are more dangerous than isolation. Cities are breeding grounds for serial killers, serial rapists, serial burglars, serial liars, serial thieves, opportunistic politicians, self-serving “community” organizers, Karens of all sorts, ignorance, crowding, murderers, filth, vermin, rats, and groupthink.
Those whose aim is tyranny know the benefits of the Gulag and the Konzentrationslager – and these things have been in existence for thousands of years – there’s no learning curve involved.
Not just NO, but HELL NO.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
I live in a fifty minute suburb.
I have absolutely no problem with locking every last subhuman piece of shit that does not flat out reject this concept in one and feeding them nothing bugs and synthetic meat for the rest of their miserable lives. Better yet would be bolting them into a submersible city and deep sixing the bastards.
Does anyone know what the acronym “SMART” in “SMART city” stands for? I have read that it stands for: A misleading claim that “smart” in “smart city” is an acronym that stands for…
bit now I am told by fackcheck “experts” that this is misinformation:
“Surveillance Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology” has been shared hundreds of times in social media posts in multiple countries. Experts told AFP that while there is no universal definition, “smart cities” are characterised by their use of data and technology to better manage resources and services. The term used in the misleading posts is not associated with the concept, they added.
But the weird thing is that the fackcheck “experts” claim that “there is no universal definition” of “SMART” in conjunction with cities, and none of pro-SMART info I read, including the WEF boilerplate, gives a definition. It’s almost as if the pro-SMARTs are being intentionally obscure to avoid being pinned down. But , as usual, I could be wrong. Let me know.
the 15 minutes is your life expectancy once you move into one.
If you’re going to geo-fence people in, call it what it is: a ranch!
From Wikipedia –
“Freedom of movement under United States law is governed primarily by the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the United States Constitution which states, “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.” Since the circuit court ruling in Corfield v. Coryell, 6 Fed. Cas. 546 (1823), freedom of movement has been judicially recognized as a fundamental Constitutional right.”
Funny this thread should show up now. Just yesterday on the radio, I heard the borough announce a new program. They plan on educating their subjects on the proper use of the transfer sites. In plain English they are going to teach us how to throw our garbage away.
If liberals want it, I don’t.
I look at it this way.
How did the neighborhood/FMC form?
What is it’s purpose?
If the neighborhood formed organically, as needs arose and niches filled, for the purpose of friendship and helping each other, that’s great.
If it was planned, for the purpose of restricting the movements of free citizens……obviously, that’s a big NOPE.
There is nothing that God does not implement, for the wholesome freedom and growth of Man and his Soul; that Satan cannot attempt to twist to enslave Man.
We have them, but the stores are closing down due to theft and arson attacks.
SMART city? Get outta town!
Feed lot. Just shovel in bugs, tofu, and TVP.
Totalitarian Liberals are never satisfied.
They will “upgrade” that “15 minute city” into a “5 minute city” in just a few years!!
Welcome to prison!