Are aliens trying to contact Earth? 6 new mysterious blasts of radio energy are detected from deep space – IOTW Report

Are aliens trying to contact Earth? 6 new mysterious blasts of radio energy are detected from deep space


DM UK: It may be three billion light-years away from Earth, but this distant constellation could be trying to contact us.

Six bursts of radio waves have been detected from the constellation Auriga, each lasting just a few milliseconds.

While the source of the waves remains unknown, some suggest they mysterious bursts of energy could be a sign of alien life trying to contact us.

The waves were detected by researchers from McGill University in Montreal, using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, and at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

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25 Comments on Are aliens trying to contact Earth? 6 new mysterious blasts of radio energy are detected from deep space

  1. If their that smart to come here then they are not that smart-run for your alien lives before you get converted to the stupidity of humanity. save yourselves and your way of life…………

  2. Anybody that thinks it’s a good idea to establish contact with life forms from another planet is nuts. We should be making ourselves as invisible as we can. I don’t trust aliens.

  3. Hell the dem politicians and European progressives are letting aliens with knifes, guns and trucks into their countries to kill their citizens. What could go wrong with space aliens with a death star?

  4. “They will be vastly more powerful and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria,” the British physicist warned. British physicist Stephen Hawking has warned against announcing our presence to any alien civilisations, especially to those more technologically advanced than humans. Sep 25, 2016

    I think the only good we would be to aliens is for food. We would be wise not to come into contact or try to contact aliens.

  5. Hah! They are already here! When I used to live in the Peoples Republic of California I would run into to them all the time. They seem to be attracted to saltwater so you find higher concentrations of them in coastal communities, which explains the likes of Pelosi and Feinstine and let us not forget the “CALL ME SENATOR” BITCH Boxer.

  6. H G Wells’ War Of The Worlds intro:

    “…and all the while alien intelligences, vast, cool, and unsympathetic, watched our world with envious eyes, and drew their plans against us.”

  7. First, assuming anything about aliens is stupidity distilled into an elixir of idiocy. Assuming they are sophisticated, and friendly is nonsense. We aren’t.
    They have a greater probability of being predators and hungry for resources, like liquid water in a low gravity well.
    But this signal is from outside the galaxy. So there’s that.
    If it is communication, it is something like ‘this is who we are, bla bla bla’
    More probably, its a young neutron star, or a couple of neutron stars in the combining stage on their way to black holiness.
    It is not inconceivable that we are the first in this galaxy to get to this level.
    Even though our TV and radio signals dissipate to mush a few light years out, I see no reason to advertise our presence.

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