Are authorities done fighting fraud? – IOTW Report

Are authorities done fighting fraud?

Defund the FBI.

American Thinker:
By Ted Noel.

I’m sorry if you were expecting election news with that headline.  Instead, this is a bit of a public service announcement.  It seems that what is old is new again.  My banker confirmed that what I’m about to describe almost belongs in the dusty archives of ancient crime.

I’ve recently become the target of two somewhat unusual attempts at fraud in this electronic era.  The Feds seem completely uninterested in them, and they decline to respond to my attempts to inform them.  Like me, you’re on your own.

The first one came when I was attempting to sell a piece of furniture.  I posted it in an online marketplace, and a buyer agreed to my price.  Shortly, I received a check for an odd sum substantially larger than the asking price.  I contacted the buyer, who then insisted that I should cash the check and give the excess funds to the “moving agent.”  After a back-and-forth where the buyer refused to identify the “moving agent,” I told the buyer to pound sand.

Very shortly thereafter, a second buyer appeared, and the dance repeated.  This time, I was a bit more suspicious, and I noticed that the check was drawn on a New York bank in the name of a New York company, but sent overnight from a company in Texas.  Strange, indeed.  This time I kept the evidence, but the FBI never responded to my complaint. read more

12 Comments on Are authorities done fighting fraud?

  1. CC, if you mean the FBI has been committing fraud, I agree wholeheartedly. They probably hired these New Nigerian Princes to go after people like Ted Noel who are thorns in the underbelly of the leftist beast. One day, all of this criminal conniving and ruining of innocent lives is going to come crashing down on their heads, God willing, and they’ll be so besotted with power and hubris, they won’t see it coming.

    And no more nonsense about the “good guys in the rank and file”. Anyone who’s in the FBI knows what goes on but stays for the tainted paycheck. No sympathy for them on the day of reckoning.

  2. Fraud like that you need to be vigilant against but it’s pretty apparent and easy to deal with.
    I was chatting yesterday with a new friend, her husband has had a very bad hernia for years but since they had no insurance he didn’t get it fixed. They finally got government coverage, and he was quoted $5k. They showed up the day of the operation and he was told it was actually $52k. He turned around, still has that debilitating medical condition.
    She needed knee surgery (which initially they said if she got it age 42 then they would just have to do it again 20 years later so they wouldn’t do it until she was 60). They quoted her $6k. When she showed up they said it had changed to $12k.
    Fraud? Yes, there is plenty of fraud going on and it is in broad daylight and by large corporations.

  3. The first fraud example has actually been around for a few years. Every time I sell something on Craigslist for more than 100 bucks, I get contacted by one of these scammers. CL even has a warning about it.

  4. “The first fraud example has actually been around for a few years.”

    True, Tony R. And you’d think there would be some interest at the FBI in, you know, investigating and punishing the perps in order to discourage that sort of thing. But they’re too busy cuffing grandma for stepping outside the rope line in the Capitol, and pre-dawn raiding Roger Stone for being mouthy.

    And when they take a break from that, they’re hiding evidence that would incriminate their beloved paymasters, and phonying up evidence to incriminate their paymasters’ enemies. Unless you can persuade them your tormentors are Russians working for Trump, you’re SOL.

    Sorry for the tant. but I watch thise old B&W movies from the 40’s and 50’s, where the FBI and Treasury Dept. track down grimy little grifts just like this one. Now they just run dirty political tricks.

    Like the saying goes, the FBI used to be policemen who got law degrees, now it’s just lawyers who get to carry guns.


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