Are Battle Lines Being Drawn? – IOTW Report

Are Battle Lines Being Drawn?


The Elements of Civil War Are Here.

What started in whispers is now appearing in print…American Thinker, Market Watch, Huffington Post, Washington Times, National Review, Daily Wire, Breitbart, Real Clear Politics, and The New Yorker, among others. They are writing about the possibility of a second civil war in this country, a redo of Democrats’ nullification of federal law, the insistent opposition and rejection of the lawful election of a president, the movement of many of our citizens to a more agreeable state, and acts of violence.

These elements of civil war are now with us once again…nullification, separation, rejection, and violence. We can argue on the order, but the same elements that 159 years ago transported this country from peace and unity into the hell of armed conflict have reappeared, complete with a great social issue of our own…abortion.

The Democrats’ past subversion cost 750,000 lives with hundreds of thousands wounded in a country of 31 million…an entire generation of sons nearly wiped out and/or maimed.

Liberalism was once a fight for liberty, civil rights, equality before the law, a color blind society, free-speech, limited government, a re-commitment to Judeo-Christian principles, equal opportunity, and a support for capitalism. It has now evolved into a full-blown communist drive. If anyone wants to call it democratic socialism, they will only be kidding themselves. I will call it communism for the sake of accuracy.

The precursor to the American Civil War was the Nullification Crisis of 1832. Having originated in South Carolina, it advanced the idea that a state did not have to abide by federal law, that it could nullify laws it did not agree with, or were found to be damaging to their interests. President Jackson was ready to send federal troops to heel the defiant states, forcing them to obey federal law, but the legendary Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky stepped up, offered a compromise that averted disaster, but revealed deep divisions between the sides that would only get deeper.

Today, in America, ICE agents, officers of the federal government, attempting to enforce immigration law are being ignored and/or disobeyed in spite of the deaths of thousands of American citizens. Twelve states, all blue, have nullified the Electoral College because it is in their political interest to do so. read more

26 Comments on Are Battle Lines Being Drawn?

  1. …it’s gonna happen, sooner or later. Evil will not stop until it IS stopped.

    …that’s one reason I would kind of like to see them TRY to remove the President from office.

    Because we could start stringing the rope over the light poles the very next day, and be hunting out the last of them by summer…

  2. Does anyone think this will only be an American affair?

    That America’s enemies won’t join in with the intent to conquer is and subjugate our people? Not only the millions and millions we have imported over the last decade, but their home countries as well along with the UN?

    If so, think again. A Civil War will be the end of America.

    So since the battle lines have already been irreconcilably drawn, happened under Obama in case you didn’t notice, choose your side now while you still can.

    Trying to avoid taking a stand and getting caught in the middle without taking a side just means you will be drawing fire from both sides.

    The future has a habit of catching people by surprise, don’t let this happen to you and be prepared for it when it happens.

  3. The democrats just prosecuted someone without charging them with a crime. This represents one big “win” for the totalitarian left. They will keep doing it now that it is a precedent.

  4. “Whether it will look like open war is the question. I tend to doubt it.”

    You may be right, conservative have a habit of surrendering and bowing down to the Leftists with only occasional exceptions.

  5. Anon,

    More conservatives than not are to the point of at least defending themselves if they know who their enemy is and see them as an immediate mortal threat to themselves, family, and interests. Think roof Koreans, only multiplied by 10k.

    The problem I picture is the Left engaging in guerrilla warfare, bombings, kidnappings, assassinations, mass poisonings, etc, similar to late ’60s radicals. It will only be in pockets and probably concentrated in urban areas, but it would spread because that’s not where most of us live.

    But the worst case scenario…the government is taken over by Leftist democrats (which we all know is just a matter of time and a handful of elections) and Obama’s dream of a civilian paramilitary force put into action. They’ll be sworn with loyalty oaths to the state and will be well armed. At that point the end will come pretty quickly.

  6. If the Demonrats want you to be a slave and you don’t want to be the Demonrat’s slave – there’s no room for compromise.
    If the Demonrats want you dead and you don’t want to be dead – there’s no room for compromise.
    Likewise, if the Demonrats want to put you into a “re-education” [death] camp and you don’t want to go into a “re-education” [death] camp – there’s no room for compromise.
    And again, if the Demonrats want to take everything you own and divide it up between the Demonrats and their cronies and you don’t want to lose everything you own to be divided up between the Demonrats and their cronies – there’s no room for compromise.

    Socialism is absolutely, incontrovertibly, inarguably antithetical to Liberty.

    Every compromise is just a temporary truce which allows them to consolidate their position and increase their demands. They don’t want to “repeal” your Second Amendment – they just want “sensible” limits on your ability to defend yourself and the Constitution.

    Principles cannot be compromised (or they’re not principles).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Communists, like Muslims are True Believers. That both
    have a long history of oppression, violence and death for
    those who will not convert is well known but hidden by
    the commies and converts in the MSM and our capitals.
    They are both dedicated to the downfall of the West.
    This is why the two groups who would normally be
    killing one another march in lockstep.
    They will never allow US what they think of as peace and rule of law until we allow THEM to make us like themselves;

  8. You cant live side by side with people that dont respect law, morals, life and liberty.

    The democrates are all degenerates, and even the ones in my own family I care not to see ever again.

  9. “It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

  10. All you have to do is cut off the supply routes and the power grid. It would be over that quick. The left is incapable of survival on their own. And yes I’m serious.

  11. It all depends on who the gov’t and police side with. How many agents/cops/soldiers do they send to deal with just one person? Waco, Ruby Ridge, LaVoy Finicum, the Texas stand off. AND who organizes this? Will it be rag tag guerrilla warfare?


    I get on these “killem all let God sort them out blogs”, and those people are nuts. I always like to ask them what they think the Russians and ChiComs will be busy with while we’re all trying to kill each other. Crickets.
    The left is out gunned. And they know it.

  13. Civil War, huh. I was wondering why they have been building a huge wing on this place for the past year or so.

    Come on down. Elijah Cummings says it really hot here, but John McCain adds, “Yes, but it’s a dry heat.”


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