Are Chicago’s Gang Members Also Causing More Coronavirus Deaths? – IOTW Report

Are Chicago’s Gang Members Also Causing More Coronavirus Deaths?

Bearing Arms:

Chicago, Illinois has had nearly 1,000 coronavirus-related deaths, and at last count had more than 20,000 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus. The city is also dealing with an increase in violent crime since Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s stay-at-home order was put into effect back in March. Two professors in Illinois say in a new op-ed in the Chicago Sun-Times that the coronavirus deaths and the gang violence may be linked.

Roberto R. Aspholm from Southern Illinois University and John M. Hagedorn of the University of Illinois at Chicago argue that the young criminals who have no regard for laws against robbery, carjacking, and homicide may not be paying much attention to the stay-at-home orders either. read more

8 Comments on Are Chicago’s Gang Members Also Causing More Coronavirus Deaths?

  1. As long as they’re just killing themselves and their fellow thugs I’m okay with cause of death = China Flu. After all aren’t they killing each other over who sells the most China Heroin and China fentanyl?

  2. “Eh, I’ll just put that as cause of death.”

    This AM I spent significant time on the phone with my State health dept. trying to find the up to date statistics for deaths by all reportable diseases and deaths to compare with the virus deaths on a year to year basis to see how death trends are being affected (if they are).

    The overall deaths from say, cancer, various communicable diseases, coronaries, etc. that are relatively stable in numbers and year over year increases should be showing the same trends currently as in past years and overall deaths (minus things like traffic) should be showing the same increases as the population numbers.

    No answer, I would expect the coronavirus to have increased overall deaths but there is no information, and no information to see if any particular category of deaths that could be blamed on corona instead of its real cause is suddenly decreasing more than expected because of being mislabeled as corona.

    (that’s a pretty simple overview of what I was researching, but should convey the general idea of what I was trying to analyze)

    Best I could do was find a department that had a recorded message promising a call back within a short period of time to direct me to the information. 5 hours later and no call (and I doubt I will get one). Almost like they don’t want the information made public they way it has been in past years.

    Maybe everyone with a little time on their hands should try something similar with their own State health department.

  3. …wait, what? People who break laws, don’t OBEY laws?

    SURELY that doesn’t apply to GUN laws, TOO?

    …I mean, seeing as how Chicago is all “Gun Free” n’stuff…

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