Are Democrats trying to make Lee Zeldin sound cool? – IOTW Report

Are Democrats trying to make Lee Zeldin sound cool?

Patriot Retort: In a Hail Mary attempt to prevent Republican Lee Zeldin from pulling off an upset next Tuesday, Democrat Kathy Hochul’s campaign decided to deploy an army of shrill, hectoring fishwives to stump for her in reliably Democrat Manhattan Thursday. And all they managed to do is make Zeldin sound cool.

As I mentioned earlier this week, the panicked Hochul held a rally featuring the unpopular Kamala Harris and the equally unpopular Hillary Clinton. And during the event, Democrat Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney referred to Lee Zeldin as “Mr. No, Mr. Darkness.”

When “New Yorker” reporter Erin Durkin tweeted Maloney’s quote Thursday evening, the reaction probably wasn’t what Maloney was hoping for.

Rather than make Lee Zeldin sound dangerous and scary, Maloney made Zeldin sound “Metal AF:”

8 Comments on Are Democrats trying to make Lee Zeldin sound cool?

  1. …the Led Zeppelin guys are a bunch of commies, and Zeppelin has ALWAYS been very sue-happy about their image.

    Surprised they haven’t gone after Dianny yet.

    I bet they do eventually…

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  3. Funny thing about Hochul’s white privilege elites-fishmongers is that they’re all racists with years-long ties to the Ku Klux Klan hate group, including to neo-nazi (think Zelensky, George Soros) race cleansing.

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