Are Democrats Worried About A Dramatic Economic…Rebound? – IOTW Report

Are Democrats Worried About A Dramatic Economic…Rebound?

  • Dan Bongino Show Clips

A former 0bama econ advisor gives the Dems some bad news.

10 Comments on Are Democrats Worried About A Dramatic Economic…Rebound?

  1. There’s no question, if it’s good news for the public then they’re going to be unhappy with it.
    They couldn’t care less about the people, too bad more don’t recognize that obvious fact.

  2. The treasonous Dems want no good news of any kind for this President and the hell with his supporters too! Can’t get the idea out of my head that the past few months haven’t been a total setup.

  3. The demoncrats don’t want anything that makes Trump look good. They could careless about Americans having trouble with a shutdown or dying. Their only interest is gaining power, and money for themselves and friends who help them reach their goal – nothing else matters to them.

  4. Oh they’re more than just worried about it. They’re motivated and scheming to find a way to stop an economic rebound, or at least diminish it as much as possible.

    Covid-19 policy in demomrat controlled areas isn’t so much about saving lives, as it is about killing the Trump presidency. They’re hoping third time is the charm after their 2 previous strikeouts.

  5. Yes, they are scared of a rebound. For years, the dems have always opposed any good economy. If things are going well, the masses will be less likely to rely on the ruling class – i.e. democrats


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