Are Hannity and Newsom Dating? – IOTW Report

Are Hannity and Newsom Dating?

Get a room.

Western Journal:

Fox News host Sean Hannity opened up about his friendly relationship with Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.

“From the first time we met, we just hit it off, and there was a certain relationship that developed that was like, ‘Oh, come on, you don’t believe all that,’” Hannity said of the governor during an interview at Fox News’ headquarters in New York, the Times reported Sunday.

“It was always friendly and never contentious. You can say anything to him. You can have fun with him,” Hannity added. more

17 Comments on Are Hannity and Newsom Dating?

  1. Hannity is as big a Deep State mouthpiece as you could ever find on TV. I’m sure there’s probably a sexual relationship between him and Newsom. Given the chance you know they’d team up to screw America.

  2. Hannity is a Covid coward. I gave up on him when he started insisting on forcibly testing his building neighbors and denying them access to their own homes and property if they were deemed a threat to his own precious self. He was really hysterical about it.

    Then his legitimizing the fraudulent Pedo installation was icing on the cake.

    Hannity is no more a conservative than he is the Karate master he so embarrassingly wants everyone to believe him to be. Newsome can have his body, the Democrats have owned his soul for a long time.

    To hell with Sean Hannity.

  3. I’m not surprised. Hannity has been wrong on a lot of things, like “the FBI rank-and-file are not corrupt, it’s just the leadership at the top.” That aged like a bottle of fine vinegar. If I could watch Fox (no cable) I wouldn’t watch Hannity.

  4. ‘Oh, come on, you don’t believe all that,’

    Common leftist comeback. I could believe just about anything about either of them, unless you try to tell me they’re patriotic, America-loving citizens. That would be totally unbelievable.

  5. Used to “watch” Hannity simply because he followed Tucker, but sometime in the last ten years, he started going in ear and out the other. Then they fired Tucker, so now I dont even bother to ignore him anymore

    I may not be as negative as others about Hannity, but he just doesn’t move the dial anymore. Nobody shifts right because of Hannity.


  6. He used to come on the radio after Rush. I could never stomach the bastard. My daughter used to laugh when I sung his theme song:

    Hong Kong Phooey, number one super guy.
    Hong Kong Phooey, quicker than the human eye.

    He’s got style, a groovy style,
    and a car that just won’t stop.
    When the going gets rough, he’s super tough,
    with a Hong Kong Phooey chop (Hi-Ya!)

    Hong Kong Phooey, number one super guy.
    Hong Kong Phooey, quicker than the human eye.

    Hong Kong Phooey, fan-riffic



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