Are Pelosi and other Dems caving to border wall funding? – IOTW Report

Are Pelosi and other Dems caving to border wall funding?

AT: On Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told the press “there will not be another shutdown” over the proposed border wall.  She also said she will fully support any resolution that the bipartisan committee in charge of the negotiations come up with, even if it includes full wall funding.  MORE

9 Comments on Are Pelosi and other Dems caving to border wall funding?

  1. The dems will throw a small bone and the repubs will lap it up and call a loss a win.
    All the illegals already here will get to stay. I hate it but thats whats likely.

  2. “All the illegals already here will get to stay. I hate it but thats whats likely.”

    …including “Obama”, @gin blossom? Once you elevate an illegal to the Presidency, it makes it REALLY hard to do anything about the lesser ones. That’s why the BEST progress we could make is by dealing with the Lawless Indonesian’s regime by vacating his illegal laws, removing his illegally appointed judges, and hanging him after a military tribunal for daring to usurp the Presidency of the United States along with his treasonous enablers and apologists.

    He, himself, could not commit treason. You have to be a citizen to betray your Country, and he never WAS. Still isn’t. Makes him more of a unlawful, un-uniformed combatant, so even the Geneva Convention does not apply. You know what they do to spies in times of war…

    Only THEN can we move towards correcting ALL the wrong from foreign invaders, bet many would hightail pretty QUICK if they had THAT hanging on CNN…

  3. I’ll believe in a border wall win when I see a border wall.

    And I mean a real one, something that is more than a token to look at, one that keeps the illegals out and doesn’t just provide political cover for a few politicians.

    Until then, I’ll just believe it is highly unlikely we are actually going to do something about uncontrolled illegal migration, the same as it is now in spite of any political rhetoric that may be being used about it.

  4. Ignorant grandstanding bitch – the goal of that bullshit and wasted time/money was for her to flex her little muscles?
    Someone needs to clue the cunt in that this is not a game.


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