Are States Going To Prosecute Their Rioters? It Depends – IOTW Report

Are States Going To Prosecute Their Rioters? It Depends

Daily Caller – Footage of violent riots and rampant looting is coming out of nearly every major city in the U.S., but states vary wildly in their efforts to prosecute those responsible for the unrest.

While local police have had no issues arresting those engaging in violence, some jurisdictions have declined to prosecute them. Others, however, such as Texas and Missouri, are taking a far more strict approach and partnering with the federal government to press charges.

Arguably the most relaxed reaction to rioters came out of St. Louis, Missouri, where local prosecutor Kim Gardner refused to charge nearly 40 people arrested for rioting.

“In a stunning development, our office has learned that every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner,” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt tweeted Wednesday.

Gardner’s brazen move led Republican Missouri Gov. Mike Parson to announce a partnership with U.S. attorneys to prosecute the state’s rioters, most of whom were arrested in St. Louis.  more

17 Comments on Are States Going To Prosecute Their Rioters? It Depends

  1. Anyone want to speculate on the long term effects of this sort of thing -the riots and the lack of prosecutions and seeming support of them by political leaders- on America?

    I have my own thinking, of course, but would really like to compare and temper it with the thinking of others as well.

  2. Of course not. They can’t. The jails are full of mothers who took their children to the park and preachers who opened their churches on Sunday.

  3. Yeah, they will. Well, not all of them, because some are ‘special.’
    But they will arrest a lot and fine them, maybe do jail time. Maybe some will lose their voting rights. Who knows. But no one will hear about it except in local news, buried in page 10. It would be smart if the businesses got involved and pressed the issue further, but, you know how that goes.

  4. Of course they won’t prosecute the rioters and looters; that might prevent the NEXT riot, and we all know the riots serve a purpose for the progtard politicians.

  5. The fes has to take over and prosecute – not just the looters, but the funders and organizers. It’s our last hope.
    But this guy Barr has a track record of zero. He’s another sessions.

  6. As with reasonable taxation, honoring civil liberties, obeying immigration laws, and whether or not you bow down and swear fealty to “wokeness”, whether justice will be done can pretty much be determined by the political idealogy of those in charge; if it’s a blue city run by progs then nothing will happen.

    And it should be pointed out that only the worst of the violent felons, only these guys were arrested, to begin with. The looters, the vandals, the thieves, all allowed carte blanche to ply their criminality while the police, in some incidences within grabbing distance, doing nothing.

  7. Until Trump gets serious and goes after Soros these “paid for” District attorneys will continue to thwart justice and put these anarchists back on the street.

  8. I hate to beat this Boogaloo thing to death, but how is it that Federal and Local LE can roll up three alleged White Supremacists before they can “infiltrate” a “peaceful protest”, but not a single antifa was arrested preemptively when they stepped off the Soros charter bus to pick up their bricks and molotovs?

  9. When it gets bad enough, real Americans will shoot the rioters themselves and the government will have to deal with picking up all the bodies in the street.

    When the government absolves itself of its primary duty for law and order, we the people will withdraw our consent to be governed by it and act accordingly.

    Traitors like Kim Gardner should take note.

  10. Federal Rap:
    Get ’em on denying the civil rights of honest citizens
    by preventing them from having life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness available to them as their city and
    property were destroyed and lives threatened.
    For the organizers hit them with terrorism and RICO charges.

  11. “If you cut off the head, a snake will die.”

    Being from rattlesnake country, I’d point out that it can still bite you if you handle it. That’s why you bury the head after you cut it off.

  12. In a town near me a stupid 14 year old girl with even more stupid parents(what kind of parent would allow it, seeing what is going on?) organized a protest. Business owners and regular citizens showed up with lawn chairs and guns and lined the sidewalks in front of the businesses. It appeared to have worked, not one brick was thrown, not one business was looted.
    Of course it had media saying, “see they’re just peaceful protesters.” Yeah, they were peaceful because they didn’t want to do battle when real bullets were involved.
    99.9% of the people cheered them on, .1% whined and cried about what if a kid threw a brick, would a window be worth their life? Welp, if I’m sitting there and you throw a brick in my direction, then in my book that is a violent threat, not to mention anyone dumb enough to try it, deserves to be shot.


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