Are Teh Russians!11!! messing with Macron? – IOTW Report

Are Teh Russians!11!! messing with Macron?


Macron Campaign Leak Hits Internet.

A leak of documents and emails allegedly from French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron and individuals associated with or working for his campaign hit the internet Friday afternoon.

The Macron campaign confirmed that they had been hacked and said the leak contains real documents. The statement went on to say that fake ones are being spread on social media in an effort to “sow doubt and disinformation.”  more

SNIP: Misinformation? Oh please, everyone knows you’re the French Hillary Obama.

9 Comments on Are Teh Russians!11!! messing with Macron?

  1. Who knos? Mebbe. It’s a definite possibility! (lol, look at all of those DRUMPF supporters, they’ll see… THEY’LL ALL SEE!)

    /the sarcasm is obvious, I hope, but you can never be too sure with some readers on here misunderstanding so…/

  2. Isn’t “macron” French for “traitor?”

    Or maybe it’s Frangistani … been out of school a long time …

    Yeah, I’m convinced … the Russians are opposed to socialism and the defeat of the West so they’re supporting the Americans and the French … got it … thanks, DNC.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Although Macron is a centre, slightly right candidate maybe some conservatives out there have had it with the duplicity of the left (all the losing left/socialist candidates urged their supporters to vote for Macron) from all over the world and are now working on getting the truth out there. I only wish they’d hurry up and do Canada next. I’d love to read the emails from Trudeau the Younger to the cabal that got him elected and from senior Liberals and backroom boys to the big donors and corporations.

  4. Obola interceded on Marcon’s behalf with a TV ad, but I guess that’s not the same as some pretend influence like Putin’s.

    Watch what they do – don’t listen to what they say.

    Obola’s either a fuckin liar or a hypocrite – maybe both.

    izlamo delenda est …

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