Are The Dems Really That Dumb? – IOTW Report

Are The Dems Really That Dumb?

Republican Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky educated several Democratic Representatives during this debate on Capital Hill.

21 Comments on Are The Dems Really That Dumb?

  1. Yes they are dumb, but you can see that they aren’t even trying to hide their agenda anymore. Just like in 2020, they know they don’t have to. The fix is in and they know they will never lose another major election.

  2. Kudos for the “Office Space” reference, a classically under-appreciated film. But their stoooooopid in firearms is matched only by total abject ignorance in economics, foreign policy, border security, and civil liberties.

    I would say that the only reason they control the levers of power is by fraud, theft, and duplicity at the polling stations but given how many low information easily swayed by lies on Facebook voters are out there, the means reverting to the lowest common denominator is proven yet again.

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  4. Truth isn’t important, onlt results matter.

    And the fact is we’re winning.

    You have guns but you’re afraid to use them. You follow every ridiculous rule we put out there and even report your purchases to us. Our base voters steal their guns from your house and hand them out to our shock troops. You will be disarmed at the slightest paperwork impropriety and imprisoned while even the son of the president flagrantly lies on our forms and openly violates all laws and nothing happens. Our government guns point only at you, not at us.

    Don’t you get it?

    You follow all the rules and we follow none.

    That’s why we’ll win. Sooner or later.

    Your guy can say smatass things all he likes. All he’s doing is making our base mad because they too are stupid and don’t like to hear stupid get challenged because it challenges them as well. Your guy gets imaginary points while we still control all of government.

    Enjoy your sassy guy while you can.

    Its the only victory you’ll ever get before you are enslaved or destroyed.

    Depend on it.

  5. Hey Cicciweinie, a bumpstock is very similar to the bumpdildoe your boyfriends use on you during your nightly circle jerks, your first insert it manually up your ass then they take turns bumping it with a 3lb hand sledge hammer for the full effect to take place. PSC courtesy of the National Stupidity Club of North America, DC Chapter

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