Are the JFK assassination lies finally coming apart? – IOTW Report

Are the JFK assassination lies finally coming apart?

American Thinker:
By Thomas Lifson

We are closing in on 60 years since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, and in that time, there have been endless independent investigations disputing, or occasionally endorsing, the conclusions of the Warren Commission.  If I were reading instead of writing this blog post, at this point, I would be worrying that yet another boring recitation of arcana from the mountains of evidence was about to be presented to me.

But excerpts from a new book about to be published on the assassination blew my socks off.  It contains what looks like solid evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone and that Kennedy was killed by a bullet fired from in front of his limousine, one that entered the car through the windshield.  Lee Harvey Oswald’s purported location in the Texas School Book Depository was to the side of and behind the car, so he could not have fired a bullet that entered the car through the windshield. read more

43 Comments on Are the JFK assassination lies finally coming apart?

  1. After watching the doco called The Smoking Gun, I’m convinced that JFK was killed accidentally by a JHP fired from an AR in the trailing SS car which had the top down. After the first shot was fired by Oswald, this car accelerated and an agent who was standing up holding the AR fell backwards and fired. That bullet struck JFK on the side of his head and was fatal.

    The rounds that Oswald fired were FMJ rounds and the rifle he used could not fire the round that the AR fired.

    Those fragments in JFK’s head were removed at Parkland and confiscated by the FBI. So were all of the X-Rays-never were seen again. His brain as well was given to the Kennedy family and disappeared(weird) The body was removed contrary to Texas law by the FBI who threatened to shot the head doc at Parkland.

    I’ve seen the bullet hole(?) in the limo and if it was a FMJ it didn’t hit JFK and if it had been a JHP, it would have left fragments all over the hood.

    If you’ve got the time, it’s fascinating-

  2. If you have been to the sight of the Texas School Book Depository and grassy knoll a single kill shot by Oswald would have been impossible due to the angle and direction the limo was traveling. The three shots with the Italian bolt action were also impossible with the speed of the sound recording. There had to be another shooter or two. Oswald was just the patsey set up to take the fall.

  3. I was 10 when JFK was assassinated and 59 years later no still one knows or won’t tell how he really was killed or why. Perhaps we’ll never know because the deep state doesn’t give up its secrets easily or willingly. Supposedly they’ll let us know the real truth after 75 years in another 15 years or so which I doubt and by then most everybody who remember JFK’s killing will all be dead. God only knows, we don’t know diddly squat what really happened on Nov. 22, 1963.

  4. It’s beyond sickening to think just how long it has been since America had a government ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’.

    Hell, I don’t know, maybe it never existed.

  5. I have been to the Texas School Book Depository & Dealey Plaza myself.
    I’ve read many books and watched many documentaries of the assassination.
    I love hearing the conspiracy stories too.
    So many are very creative.
    I don’t trust the government to tell the truth EVER.

    That said, I would wager my right arm that Oswald was the lone shooter and he killed JFK ALONE.
    No matter what anyone ever says the bullets & ballistics work out 100%.
    I am totally convinced.
    Folks don’t like to admit being wrong and WANT it to be a conspiracy.

    Oswald killed Kennedy…PERIOD.

    It was a total failure of our worthless government to PROTECT THE DAMN PRESIDENT!
    THAT should be the biggest takeaway.
    It was NOT an inside job, it was an INSIDE FAILURE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS.


  6. I recommend folks visit Dealey Plaza.
    You get the scope of the whole situation.
    It’s smaller & more concentrated than people think.
    Oswald didn’t have to be a long distance sniper.
    It was a close shot in relative terms.

    Just think if it happened to biden* some day soon?
    There would be a thousand Zapruder films…

    I would immediately inquire as to Hillary’s location?

  7. I would recommend “Case Closed” by Gerald Posner. It is a very detailed look at the JFK assassination and, in particular, the life of Lee Harvey Oswald. In his book, Posner paints a picture of a troubled loner who was employed by the Texas Book Depository almost by accident and seized an opportunity to assassinate a President.

    I have also read some of the conspiracy theory books on the subject. I love conspiracy theories, but the more elaborate the theory, the more people are necessarily involved and the harder it is to keep it a secret.

  8. My shit headed thoughts:

    Harvey took the shots.

    Someone else put it in motion.

    Harvey took the shots.

    Who put the train on the track:
    1) Italian Mafia
    2) Military Industrial Complex/CIA
    3) Ruskies/Turdeau’s Mom’s Boyfriend (least likely)

    Anyway, I’ll wait for Costner & Streep to tell me what I should think. They are always 100% correct about everything, always and forever. (HOLLYWOOD is ASSHOLE)

  9. Course’ it was Johnson.

    Just like the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

    But don’t take my word for it. After 2028 the Senate Committee investigation will be released and in 2078 the rest of the files will be released.

    So…..stay healthy.

  10. LocoBlancoSaltine: You left out the fact that a Communist, Lee Harvey Oswald, killed President Kennedy and Officer Tippet, not a right wing assassin. He was the only employee of the Texas School Book Depository who brought “curtain rods” to his workplace that morning, and he was the only one to go missing after the assassination. He’s also the only employee who was recognized by witnesses standing below the sixth floor window holding a rifle, and was identified by three people who saw him shoot Officer Tippet. Oswald is the only employee who defected to the Soviet Union and returned to the United States with a Russian wife. Oswald is the only employee who was an outspoken supporter of Fidel Castro. He’s the only School Book Depository employee who tried to shoot General Walker with the rifle he purchased through the mail and his are the only fingerprints found on both the rifle and the handgun that were used to murder two men on November 23, 1963. Does it matter to anyone that all of the proposed locations for a second assassin cannot actually have caused the wounds that killed JFK when modern, scientific ballistics are used to trace all of the possible paths of the bullets, they all go directly back to the sixth floor window where Oswald’s fingerprints were found in several locations in his sniper’s lair? There are three or four really good books that prove that Oswald was the lone gunman, and that he was mentally and emotionally incapable of being part of any kind of high level conspiracy. One other thing, the Soviets promoted the idea that it was the CIA and LBJ and Texas Right Wingers who got together to kill President Kennedy. They knew how to take advantage of a good Communist when the opportunity presented itself.

  11. I’m inclined to think Oswald was the lone shooter but that he was hired by our deep state government to do it. A government who hired Nazi as after WW2 would not hesitate to assassinate a president.

  12. Wild Bill: Read “Marina and Lee” by Pricilla Johnson McMillan, the only American who met Oswald in Moscow and interviewed him when he returned from Russia with his wife. Also, Mark Fuhrman wrote “A Simple Act of Murder” that treats the assassination as a murder case and proves that Oswald acted alone. Finally, there is Vincent Bugliosi’s exhaustive, 1,632 page door stopper that addresses every aspect of the assassination and debunks every conspiracy theory book. It’s titled “Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.” Oswald killed Kennedy because he was a Communist and Kennedy was a Capitalist. It was as simple as that.

  13. There was a bullet hole in the fucking windshield that was covered-up. That’s the shot that hit JFK in the throat. Oswald may have been one of the shooters, but he doesn’t have arms 100 yards long to shoot in front of the car and behind the car at the same time.

    Enough of the bullshit: JFK was murdered by the CIA. It was America’s first coup. The democrat/swamp scam of Covid and election fraud in 2020 was the second American coup.

  14. I’m surprised in this age of computers and technology that they can’t somehow analyze a digitalized version of the Zapruder film and determine where the bullets came from.

  15. Thank you Al. That’s all I’m pointing out, that there’s a difference between the assassination and the events afterwards.

    I don’t know who shot who. Could have been suicide for all I know. But what I DO know, is that evidence has been altered and/or suppressed.

    You can say it’s all because FedGov is trying to cover it’s own gross negligence, or because FedGov is trying to cover something worse.

    Beats me. I just go on what facts can be verified.

    Someone whacked some dude.
    The assumed dude who did the whacking was himself whacked.

    The Warren commission missed a lot.
    Some evidence has been lost or tampered with.

    Make your own decisions.

  16. NOT VACCINATED: What you are suggesting has been done by several Investigators. One of them was on television a few years ago. They carefully recreated everything that happened in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, even to the extent of cutting back the trees to recreate Oswald’s point of view. They used the same type of rifle, and had someone with the same amount of ability as Oswald had at the time to fire the three shots. All of the shots that hit Kennedy and Connally in exactly the same places were shown to come from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. None of them could have come from the Grassy Knoll or any other location where assassins were supposed to be waiting to kill Kennedy. The cracked glass windshield was addressed in several of the books that I’ve referred to earlier. Most people who think Oswald was part of a vast Right Wing Conspiracy never bothered to read how easy it was for Oswald to kill Kennedy at the slow speed he was traveling in after the Lincoln Continental turned just below the sixth floor window. None of this evidence will ever satisfy people who want to believe that Oswald was either a patsy or part of a team of a conspiracy that has never produced a single viable member after all these decades.

  17. re lho, posner is a lying piece of loyuh-shit, same as bugliosi & gubmint-assholes like blakey.

    .gubmint/military-experts unable to duplicate shooting
    .no gsr on lho face/cheek
    .scope mounted for different-handed shooter
    .no prints on rifle. fellating-bidens, inc. got some off lho @ mortuary, then transferred them to rifle
    .unable to shoot for shit while in marines

  18. Under a hundred yards (reportedly), but at a moving target the size of a grapefruit with a POS surplus Carcano?
    Maybe, but there are other explanations too.
    Personally, I think that SOB LBJ was behind it.

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