Are the Libs ready to kick out the UN? – IOTW Report

Are the Libs ready to kick out the UN?

American Thinker: Martin Peretz, former owner and editor-in-chief of the flagship leftist magazine The New Republic, is calling to get the United Nations out of the United States.  Although he notes it, Peretz says this has nothing to do with the inconveniences the U.N. creates for a lifelong New Yorker like himself, such as traffic jams and the like.  No, rather it’s that Peretz sees the U.N. is an abject failure in its anointed mission of bringing peace to the world.  He writes, “Move the U.N. out of New York and the U.S., so we don’t have to host and legitimize the pernicious showmanship of autocrats and killers.”

So far, I cannot disagree with Peretz.  The United Nations is an abominable failure.  Getting it out of America is certainly an excellent idea, at least as a first step, anyway.  This erstwhile liberal also emotes that the existence of the U.N. as it’s currently constituted is actually making peace in the world less, not more likely.  Probably so.

Where Peretz and I part company is his reasons for expelling the U.N. from American soil.  Basically, he thinks the U.N., what with its endless debates and resolutions without meaning, “gives the U.S. cover for abdicating its role as the world’s most powerful democratic state, handing its responsibilities over to what is vaguely called ‘the international community.'”

Responsibilities?  What responsibilities?  Scrape away Peretz’s rhetoric, and it is basically to police the world to prevent atrocities and other unpleasantness.  This is to ensure what Peretz calls a “minimum level of good conduct by states to allow a peaceful, liberal order” to exist.  Give Peretz enough rope, and he’d probably see America’s responsibility to feed, educate, and provide health care for the rest of the world, too.  After all, this is the logical conclusion for universalism.  As I recall, it was not that long ago that Madam Hillary was hinting at such extended responsibility on our part.  read more

6 Comments on Are the Libs ready to kick out the UN?

  1. Hey they can stay in their NY city
    headquarters as long as other countries
    pick up 100% of UN expenses.I don’t want
    my hard earned going to no stinkin’! UN.

  2. None deserve to breathe our air. They abuse our laws and take advantage of their immunity.

    They use our location as an excuse to bring enemies into our country that couldn’t get through a visa process on their own.

  3. Relocate to Paris or The Hague? Nah! Let’s spread those dollars in Africa…!

    ….with the added benefit of diplomatic kidnappings to stimulate the local economies.
    …Lady in Red

  4. U.N. should be a roving headquarters where it is stationed in the worst parts of the world needing their attention, and when they resolve it, they move to the next worst one.

    But no, they hang out in one of the best cities in the world, New York.


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