Are they protesters or Senators? – IOTW Report

Are they protesters or Senators?

Patriot Retort: The Kavanaugh committee hearings began today.

And the Democrats wasted no time acting like protesters while encouraging the actual protesters to disrupt the hearing.

I’d say this is shameful.

And it is.

But it is not in the least bit surprising.

The Democrats in the Senate have completely forgotten that they are members of something called “The World’s Most Deliberative Body.”

Instead, they’ve tossed in with the far-Left protesters.

What’s worse, they actually planned this juvenile display in advance.  MORE


Democrats plotted coordinated protest strategy over the holiday weekend and all agreed to disrupt and protest the hearing, sources tell me and @frankthorp

Dem leader @chuckschumer led a phone call and committee members are executing now

20 Comments on Are they protesters or Senators?

  1. The second Grassley started talking, Camela Harris started objecting.
    What a twat. They’re all twats, actually. If they have any capability of feeling embarrassed, they should use it now. But they can’t. So…
    Stand by for more Dems #walking away.

  2. I watched the first 90 minutes and it was a disgrace. All the Democrats crying for a delay in the hearing, for documents they are never going to read. Grassley got so fed up he asked the Democrats if they planned to continue this all day long.

    One senator from the GOP side (cant recall it was a male) brought up an NBC Politics tweet that said……

    “Democratic senators opened Kavanaugh confirmation hearing with a protest plan that was coordinated and agreed to over the weekend, people familiar with the planning tell @NBCPolitics.”

    Anybody with half a pulse knew that was going to happen and watching their side all squawk like parrots up there, repeating the same thing over and over, was just sickening.

  3. Richard Lowenstain D-Con. (Another skidmark) is on a tear. As is bug eyed Cory Booker D-NJ. With regard to Lowenstain: How the hell can any Veteran forget where he or she served? The liar said he served in Vietnam. He was never in Vietnam. He said he misspoke, he forgot.
    And this lying piece of shit is a Senator? And passing judgement on Judge Kavanaugh? As Mark Steyn said today, this guy could not serve as a witness in a Village traffic Court. A proven liar does not a good witness make.

  4. Theatrics.
    Statesmanship, leadership and common sense have been replaced with obstruction and sheer stupidity.
    The democrats are following the failed, divisive, destructive leadership of obama, hillary and their benefactor soros.

  5. “I didn’t mean to say that the Enterprise HAULS garbage. I meant that it IS garbage!” -a visiting Klingon onboard the Enterprise.

    Somehow, I thought of that. Not sure why.

  6. Protestors in “Handmaid’s Tale” costumes must think that the general public knows or even gives a crap about that garbage book/movie/TV program and even has access to see it. I wouldn’t even know about it cept in the 90’s as a new SAH mom I joined a book club just to get out in the evenings and that was the first book I had to read. It was bleak and disgusting and it cured me of ever going to a book club ever again to this day. Those theatrics are totally meaningless and theyre too stupid to even know it!

  7. They’re performance artists not legislators.

    Congress has a much greater audience than their off-off Broadway production of I Am A Barn Door Creaking, Creaking.

    My memory keeps ruining their joke though about not having time to read 42,000 emails. Here is Politifact’s taunting “we did the math” article on reading the healthcare bill that continues to screw the public over:

    “So to explore Bachmann’s comment, we wanted a back-of-the-envelope estimate of how much time it might take the average person to literally read the text of the bill. A computer program told us the House bill weighed in at 163,000 words. The average adult, meanwhile, can read passages aloud at an average rate of 154 words per minute, according to a 2003 measurement of basic adult literacy by the U.S. Education Department’s National Center for Education Statistics. At that rate, the average person would need about 18 hours to read the bill aloud. So if you had the three days Pelosi would guarantee, you’d only have to spend six hours per day reading the bill.

    Most people, though, can read faster when they’re reading silently.”

    In other words, STFU and you can read faster.

    No one remember them dropping Obamacare off at the last minute? Please develop your questions on this 10 foot stack of papers in 72 hours. Fuck off.

  8. If you are <50 and do not know BORK. As Angus macFregus said 1;500 years ago; "those who do not know history; are doomed to repeat it."!

    this looks 1987 all over .

    the stars are not "Snarlin" Arlen and John Warner (both GWB men BTW) ; backed up by Ted K. and Joe Bidden ( Yes the same!).

    It is a Shame that history seems to do what Amgus said 1,500 years ago. But frequently history teachers teach politic (theirs) NOT HISTORY


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