Are we being invaded? – IOTW Report

Are we being invaded?

Can anyone explain what’s going on?

40 Comments on Are we being invaded?

  1. I remember reading a Bible prophesy book one time that said as the end times got closer, don’t be surprised to see and hear about a lot of UFO activity.
    The reasoning of the author, is that when the rapture happens, those left behind in government are going to need a reason. They will be able to point out that UFO’s have been seen at an alarming rate, and that all of the missing people are somehow tied to that.
    Not sure about the theory, but it is interesting.

  2. The smaller balloons sound like weather balloons of which 1800 are released every day. Balloons are also favorites of radio amateurs and engineering students which put on small cameras and chase them across the country side. Aliens…give me a break.

  3. Its distractions from the US blowing up Nord Stream 2, from extreme executive branch corruption, from exposing the exec branch and their squashing of the 1st amend. The govt needs a nice shiny object to distract the public for their corruption

  4. Well aliens wouldn’t come here to steal our technology because we are still in the dark ages. An we have ravaged our resources to less than 800 years of zip left. Nothing to see or find here, next stop…straight ahead 200 light years, go back to sleep.

  5. Put every AM radio station on alert to play Slim Whitman music on a 24/7 basis whenever one of these so-called aliens is spotted. That’ll teach em, and it might kill lots of liberals as well (particularly if also broadcast on FM channels which liberals love) being forced to listen to awful cowpie music.

  6. “Can anybody explain what’s going on”?
    Yep! Republicans took the house and opened investigations. Russia is losing traction so we’re moving to the Chinese. This is their squirrel.

  7. The Charade continues.
    This morning we had three military planes, flying in formation, hauling ass, headed towards Nevada. That never happens around here anymore because they closed all the Airforce bases in the area 20 years ago. I’m pretty sure they were F16’s. They were high ad just short of going super sonic.
    What a great way to scare the peons. And waste more fuel.

    SS might be onto something..

  8. Yes. Invaders are coming across the southern border and also from the north.

    All this hullabaloo shooting down “unidentified objects” distracts the sheep from Brandon’s corruption, and the fact he blew up the Nord Stream pipeline.

    Do you really believe our military shoots down “unidentified objects” then loses all the pieces? Seriously?

  9. Brad, were military jets and helicopters flying around Southern Maine last week too.
    Like JP said, distraction.
    Hunter’s laptop? meh
    Hunter owning part of a chemical lab in Ukraine? meh
    Twitter execs admitting they interfered with an election in partnership with the DOJ? meh
    Nordstream? meh
    High food costs? meh
    Food processing plants being destroyed? meh
    Etc, etc.
    Nothing to see there! Oh look! Balloons! Stop the presses!

  10. nco77, I heard someone say that the people who are running the show here and around the world – WEF, bankers, whomever they are – are in league with demons. They are planning to ‘welcome’ aliens who will pretend to be benevolent and promise peace and to solve all our problems. Of course, they will plan on eating us (To Serve Man)!

    I think, unfortunately for the so-called leaders, Biden has had too much success in destroying America and we are starting to fight back as seen by everything that has happened in the last month or so (Project Veritas, Twitter Files, etc.). He had to draw attention away from him and the corruption of the Swamp, so the idiot brought out the alien idea. I’m sure they are busy trying to re-organize things to keep their plan intact at the right time.

    Or something like that.

    PS I like your idea better!

  11. Well, boys, I reckon this is it – nuclear combat toe to toe with the Roosskies. Now look, boys, I ain’t much of a hand at makin’ speeches, but I got a pretty fair idea that something doggone important is goin’ on back there. And I got a fair idea the kinda personal emotions that some of you fellas may be thinkin’. Heck, I reckon you wouldn’t even be human bein’s if you didn’t have some pretty strong personal feelin’s about nuclear combat. I want you to remember one thing, the folks back home is a-countin’ on you and by golly, we ain’t about to let ’em down. I tell you something else, if this thing turns out to be half as important as I figure it just might be, I’d say that you’re all in line for some important promotions and personal citations when this thing’s over with. That goes for ever’ last one of you regardless of your race, color or your creed. Now let’s get this thing on the hump – we got some flyin’ to do.

  12. The Clinton theory of evading culpability for crimes: Commit so many crimes all at once that there are so many things to investigate that it all gets mixed together in a muddle and nothing actually gets properly reviewed. Population control COVID, killer shots, Ukraine war, southern and now northern borders wide open, inflation and killing production of energy, Syrian escapades, air traffic (and pilot) clusterfux, supply chain disruption, food production and packaging sabotage, shooting down fucking balloons AFTER they did their business, now more to shoot down, pedophiles in the white house and throughout government, getting people comfortable with war and declining standards of living, defunding police and decriminalizing most crime so there is jeopardy in just going out (in cities), then ban firearms and ammunition to the law abiding, trannies and queers of all smelly stripes running amok… queering our children in government schools, destroying our history, statues, icons, BLM ANTIFA riots and burning… and more… ALL THIS IN THE LAST TWO YEARS! Clinton style, we’ll never get to the bottom of ANY of it, especially with the republicans we have in congress. Thanks for not a thing Mitch and chinkity chink chink company.

  13. @Brad: The U2’s fly out of my area, along with the fighter jets doing maneuvers up the Feather River Canyon. Sometimes they give us an air show, gives me goosebumps. We get the fighters from Nevada in fly overs as well.

    I think it was Stephen Hawkings that said to have nothing to do with AI, or aliens, they are not our friends. I don’t believe our planet has the magnetic field that will allow them to land on our planet. Besides, Chicago, New York, and Detroit scares them.

  14. Gummerment mind control? Oh hell kool-aid was drank a long long time ago. Nuthin left but zombie Trump supporters. The good side no brain functions, down side they never needed a brain.

  15. @Earthling.
    That’s nothing, my ex wife is from the planet Pyscho, near the edge of the universe. The inhabitants are referred to as Psychotics. She was full blown. So glad she went back.

  16. @Brad: We’ve had a couple of U2 crashes here. One slammed into the local newspaper building killing a woman. DH was involved in the emergency. Pilot was decapitated, they found his head in a neighbors backyard. Newspaper never reopened.

  17. The Seeker approached the Monk sitting in meditation of the mountaintop.

    “Master, what’s holding up the Earth in the Cosmos?”

    “The Earth is supported on a giant balloon.”

    “But, Master, what is holding up the balloon?”

    “The balloon is supported on a Cloward-Piven gambit.”

    “Thank you, Master but what supports the Cloward -Piven gambit?”

    “The Cloward-Piven is supported on another Cloward-Piven. And to save time, I’ll let you in on a secret: It’s Cloward-Piven all the way down.”


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