Are we going to have to wear disguises when we shop at Walgreens? – IOTW Report

Are we going to have to wear disguises when we shop at Walgreens?

Walgreens tests tech that sort of recognizes you in-store.

Retail Wire: Walgreens is piloting a line of “smart coolers” with the ability to display targeted ads to in-store shoppers.

Instead of seeing through the glass to drinks, ice cream and other items, shoppers view digitized representations of available products inside, or basically a planogram on the front of refrigerator and freezer doors.

The system involves using sensors that detect shoppers and cameras that scan their faces to estimate their gender and approximate age for delivering targeted messages. Weather, time of day and other events may also influence messaging.

Beyond messaging, iris-tracking technology can show which items are picked up or are looked at, providing insights into the effectiveness on-screen promotions and the overall display. more

17 Comments on Are we going to have to wear disguises when we shop at Walgreens?

  1. Will the implement a shoplifter feature where the Thief can pre-select what he wants to pilfer and they will have it waiting for him/her pre-boxed & notify the computer that its all free?

  2. I drive by one every day, but I’ve only gone into a Walgreens once. Since their Sale prices were only available to people who were registered on-line and had the phone application installed, I handed the cashier my items and walked out, never to return.

  3. That’s….creepy. Also, what gonna happen when the “smart coolers” misgender the trannies? ‘Cuz ya know that’s gonna happen. Those troons aren’t fooling anybody, least of all a “smart cooler”.

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