Are We Really Stuck with ObamaCare? – IOTW Report

Are We Really Stuck with ObamaCare?


American Thinker:

Do remember that America actually had a healthcare system before Obama came on the scene, and doctors were regularly performing medical miracles all around the country. Not only that, before the advent of the ObamaCare exchanges, which Obama’s apparatchiks are careful to always refer to as “the Marketplace,” we had a market for health insurance. Surely we can go back to that, or go forward to something even better. But first we must get un-entwined.


4 Comments on Are We Really Stuck with ObamaCare?

  1. I can fix healthcare tomorrow. Here’s how.

    Repeal ObamaTax. Pass a law that say NO government, whether federal, state, local, or municipal can run a healthcare plan for the citizens or residents. As part of that law, you forbid employers from being able to force a healthcare plan on their employees. The employers may offer healthcare plans but the employee is free to choose any plan from anywhere they want. Across state lines if they so choose. Whatever percentage the employer is currently paying for employees that do choose the employer-offered plan is the same percentage the employer must pay for those that don’t choose the employer-offered plan. This can be done through a direct deposit to the employee-chosen plan.

    Let’s say a small business has 100 employees. If the employer offers the lowest and cheapest plan from Health Plan A, no one is required to take it. Say 95 of the employees go get the most expensive plan from Health Plan A. They like Plan A, they like their doctors, they just want better coverage and are willing to pay for it. Now the employer has a choice. He can ignore 95 of his 100 employees or he can offer the best Plan A coverage at a reduced rate and get some savings. This is pretty much a no-brainer.

    The other 5 employees choose a Health Plan Z. The employer will have to pay a percentage of those as well. Since his membership is low (only 5) he won’t get much of a benefit from having it as a competing plan. Or maybe he can join up with some other small businesses in the area and get a group rate. The law can be written so this is possible and cannot be denied by any employer or health care provider.

    This allows the employee to keep their health care. (As opposed to ObamaTax.) It is completely portable. It cannot be used as a reason for employment or for termination. Everyone gets the health care they want, at the price they can afford. And since they have to pay for a pretty good chunk of it, they are more likely to be better informed about it. With the ability to get healthcare from across state lines, competition will ensure that prices are low. If any provider is substandard, the market will deal with that the way it deals with all substandard commodities. If there is anything criminal, the gov’t will still be able to prosecute wrong-doers.

    The reason this isn’t our current healthcare law is because one, it would work too well. Two, the socialists and their RINO enablers would have less money and less gov’t control.

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