Are We Trying To Start A War? – NATO To Hold Nuclear Drills – IOTW Report

Are We Trying To Start A War? – NATO To Hold Nuclear Drills

AND Magazine

The whole world is watching the situation in Ukraine. Joe Biden is talking about Armageddon. Putin is raining missiles on Ukraine and increasingly backed into a corner. It is time for cool heads to act and work to de-escalate this situation before it is too late and we see the nuclear exchange we have been working to avoid for eighty years.

So, of course, NATO has just announced that it will hold nuclear drills, which will include simulated strikes by combat aircraft.

Most of the world knows about the Cuban missile crisis and how close the United States and the Soviet Union came to nuclear war. What most people do not know is that we came at least that close again in the 1980s, and it was all because of NATO drills simulating war.

In November 1983 at the height of the Cold War, the Soviets detected NATO aircraft carrying what appeared to be nuclear weapons exiting hangers in Western Europe. Shortly thereafter, the Soviets began to pick up communications concerning a possible NATO strike on the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. It was all part of a NATO simulation based on a scenario in which the United States had decided to respond with nuclear weapons to a Russian chemical attack. more here

15 Comments on Are We Trying To Start A War? – NATO To Hold Nuclear Drills

  1. “US Air Force B-2 Spirit armed with 16 nuclear missiles has meanwhile arrived in Poland.”
    If we didn’t keep funding Ukraine this would have been over. They would have had to hide their crooked money someplace else.
    Up next, Congress approves another $2 Trillion to Ukraine.

  2. Washington D.C. (AP) – The price of glass fell precipitously today as commodities brokers connected with the industry warned of the coming glut of glass-making equipment in the Virginia/Maryland areas due to Russian imports onboard hypersonic cargo carriers.

  3. Trying to provoke a crisis that they can use as a pretext to cancel the mid terms. Thats what I think. What else could explain this madness

    I’m shocked to be saying this about the party that all of my brothers and sisters are members of. Maybe its time I found a new family

  4. “Are the “ helmets” in the Ukraine yet raping the woman and girls yet?”

    No. They’re raping the little boys – it’s a New and Woke UN!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Someone Has to Ask
    OCTOBER 17, 2022 AT 6:55 PM
    “Are the “ helmets” in the Ukraine yet raping the woman and girls yet?”

    …modern UN troops are more likey to rape boys.

    Besides, if they rape girls, they have to give Pedodent Big Guy his 10%.

  6. If there is a nuke war, it would be far better to be at ground zero, where your blood will boil in a split second and you’ll vaporize without feeling anything.

    That’s what happened at Hiroshima.

  7. The radical Left behind the Clintons, Obama and Biden, the EU and the WEF have been positioning for a nuclear conflict for decades.

    For them, it was just not fair that the West should dominate in the nuclear arena. That is why Billary gifted the CCP our missile technology and Obama enabled the Iranian nuclear program.

    Nuclear war is not something to be avoided. It is a useful tool to bring about the socialist utopia.

    They see people outside their little sphere as abstract, no more than ants. What’s a few hundred million deaths matter anyway? The target population is under 3 billion so they’ll need to work all their options.

    Nukes are a lower risk for successful popular revolt than hyperinflation, shortages and starvation.

    Threat of nuclear war and/or a limited nuclear attack allows for global lockdowns and whack-a-mole on steroids.

    Where’s the downside?


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