Are You Sure ‘Vote for Joe Biden or We’ll Kill You’ Is the Best Campaign Pitch? – IOTW Report

Are You Sure ‘Vote for Joe Biden or We’ll Kill You’ Is the Best Campaign Pitch?


Supporters of a candidate with confidence in the politician’s ability to win based on making the better argument don’t usually use the heckler’s-veto-on-steroids to coerce people to their point of view. Yet that is precisely what Ronald Brownstein did in an article in The Atlantic.

The underlying tone of the article is: “Vote for Joe Biden or the national temper tantrum will only get worse.” He accuses the president of positioning blue cities as a threat in order to rally voters to his law-and-order agenda. A brief scroll of Twitter will show you that riots in cities like Seattle and Portland are absolutely a threat to safety and security. No one needs President Trump to point it out. more

h/t Aunt Liz

18 Comments on Are You Sure ‘Vote for Joe Biden or We’ll Kill You’ Is the Best Campaign Pitch?

  1. When push comes to shove, the American people will do the right thing on November 3.

    I think there’s more people than we know, that have had it up to here with the Leftists BS.

  2. This is part of a post to Am Thinker a year and a half ago. Maybe the commie interests should pay attention (they won’t) before it comes unglued:
    (substitute Patriots for whites)

    “Truly, the depth of their hatred is breath-taking. But so is their almost comical, suicidal ignorance and arrogance. Sooner than they could ever imagine the consequences of their efforts to destroy whites via immigration replacement, inter-racial sex commercials, pornography, abortion, actual white on white World Wars, or a hundred other means, will bear them a terrible fruit. As we know from history, when white people finally get pissed off, really pissed off, hell is to pay. And, as we all know, the white world is very, very close to critical mass right now.

    A word, a warning, a historical truth: An armed and angry white man is the most deadly killing machine the earth has ever known–he is intelligent, resourceful, adaptable, strong as steel, hard as iron, he never sleeps, he never forgets…and he is virtually impossible to kill off.

    Kristallnacht on steroids will be touched off when the next Black riot involves burning down White neighborhoods rather than just Black neighborhoods… or when the “government” begins confiscating fire arms… or when “Homeland Security” begins to round up holocaust revisionists… or when some Latino horde of illegals pulls down the existing wall anywhere along the southern border… any combination mentioned.

    The number of heavily armed White men who are ready and willing can and will overwhelm any other force… and when unleashed, there will be no one capable of stopping them.” -End.

  3. Charlie WalksonWater
    JULY 27, 2020 AT 12:05 AM
    i think they already started the Joe or Die campaign. A threat made to cspan Trump supporter (guest) in reference to the black Trump supporter murdered friday

    A white BLM/antifa comrade was shot and killed in Austin today. Approached a vehicle they stopped in traffic, commie pointed his AK-47 at the driver. Driver shot first.

    They’re pretty ballsy on a phone or keyboard. I don’t think they’ve thought this through.

  4. Nobody can even come close to racking up kills than white people. You may not like it, you not believe it, but the truth is the truth and only fools who do not know factual history will argue that point.

    Since the PTB have zero intentions of stopping the shamdemic and all their insane lockdown orders and diktats, ordinary law abiding citizens of ALL colors are at the end of the rope and savings.

    All it will take is for these anarchists to target the wrong neighborhood for the bullets to being flying. Wall of “mom’s”, posters, screamed swears, and empty threats will NOT stop the well aimed shots.

    Just like every other PantiFa and BLM terrorist group that picks the wrong person to fuck with, those that decide to burn down white neighborhoods will set new records in sprinting once the bullets begin to fly and then calls to “fuck the police” and “disband the police now” will quickly turn into “help, help, help, white people are shooting us and preventing us from burning down their homes….arrest them NOW!!!!

  5. Thanks to the contaminated educational system that’s produced the warped thinking displayed by these angry idiots. So when the shooting starts save a couple rounds for the professors and teachers. They broke the trust, they should also pay.

  6. I’m sooo tired of seeing “Joe Biden sez” this and “Joe Biden sez” that and “Joe Biden’s” policies, etc. etc.
    Jackass Joe is little more than a pet monkey dancing around (barely) to the tune of the Left. The Communists are pulling his strings and they are using him to hold a gun to our heads threatening us with “Vote for us to destroy America or we’ll destroy America!” It’s the way Communists operate and always has been! Jackass Joe is just a puppet and a fool, but mostly a mentally impaired tool at this point. I wonder if Jackass Joe is even aware of all the destruction that’s going on in demmocRAT cities! It would be interesting to ask him, but they won’t let him talk to anyone, not that we even have a Media with the balls to ask such things! The RATs are running the sickest campaign ever, probably because they have most of their eggs invested in election fraud and civil unrest with the goal to take the White House by hook, crook or force if need be!

  7. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

    That’s a nice city you got there. Be a shame if something bad happened to it under President Trump.

    Vote Democrat to destroy America or else we’ll destroy America.

  8. I read the Atlantic article, and it’s absolutely insane. It is literally an ass-backward view of the entire situation, and of course, they don’t allow comments, so the author is speaking from within an insulated bubble with no one to challenge his insane take.

  9. Back in the 90’s, we lived on a street in Toronto, where the “heavenlies” and their parents lived. Their names were Angelique and Celeste and they were the spawn of Satan. They constantly threatened the other children with “If you don’t play with us, we will beat you up”. The oldest actually punched my daughter in the face, and her mother, a psychiatric nurse, said “There, there, we don’t do that!”. I told everyone on the street about that and they were ostracized and had to move within 6 months.


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